That’s AOAHSP short for Assassination Of A High School President.
It’s been a long time coming! Finally, images of Kathryn’s cameo in the much anticipated movie Assassination Of A High School President have emerged, and you can find them in the Gallery.

Sadly for KM fans it looks like we only get two very brief scenes involving the interesting Nurse Platt giving a total screen time of little more than a minute.
The movie was first seen by the public at the Sundance Festival in 2008 and due for a theatrical release at the end of that year. After several delays financial issues caused the closing of the distributor putting the release at risk. Recently the movie premiered on Russian TV of all places. Although currently in limbo there are signs of a DVD being published with Walmart showing a 30 June 2009 release date. Hopefully the DVD will include some deleted scenes to expand on Kathryn’s role.
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