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The Sweeter Side Of Life Screencaps

tssol_489Normally in this space we’d have some text describing the film or episode of Cold Case the screencaps have come from, but frankly you probably haven’t even read this far through this sentence.

It’s pretty certain that you won’t get to this second paragraph so I’ll just write “blah” a couple of times and move on.  Blah, blah.

Assuming you are still reading, a comprehensive set of screencaps covering The Sweeter Side Of Life are now in the Gallery.

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One More 2 Br/1 Ba On Set Photo

on_set_20120927_011As some of you have already spotted, yesterday (or was it the day before? damn timezones) the official Facebook page of the upcoming feature film 2 Br/1 Ba got a few extra tenants.  Tenants in the form of hundreds of on set/behind the scenes photos that is.

In amongst the multitude are a few photos of Kathryn on the set during her day’s filming back in September.  Regulars to KM UK will recognise them all.  Except one.  The one you see above.

Eight of the nine photos on Facebook formed the basis of a wonderful set of exclusives we ran in late October (here and here).  Despite KM UK having that 9th image at the time, it was not posted.  We’ve been waiting for an appropriate time to correct that ever since.

Now the cat’s out of the bag it seems right to add the remaining (not so exclusive, but a lot bigger) image to the Gallery.

2 Br/1 Ba, starring Alexa Vega (Spy Kids) and Spencer Grammer (Greek), is currently scheduled for a January 2013 release.  Alexa and Spencer play Janie and Dee, roommates in the titular 2 Br/1 Ba apartment.  What happens between them is not entirely clear at this time but the photos on Facebook give some intriguing clues.  Kathryn is Olivia and appears in only a few scenes but they are said to be significant.

EXCLUSIVE! Kathryn On Set Of 2 Br/1 Ba – Part 2

on_set_20120927_009Welcome to part 2 of KM UK’s exclusives from the film 2 Br/1 Ba.  Part 1 is here.

We have been very lucky and greatly honoured to have gained exclusive access to photos taken on set during the filming of the new movie 2 Br/1 Ba starring Alexa Vega (Spy Kids) and Spencer Gammer (TV show Greek).  Kathryn has a small but crucial role playing a character called Olivia.

In these additional photos we can see Kathryn posing on her own and with a few members of the crew.  The lady in the green top is Kristen Ruhlin, star of the recent DVD release She Wants Me, and a producer on 2 Br/1 Ba.  The bearded gentleman is the film’s director Rob Margolies.

The four new photos you see here, all exclusive to KM UK, are now in the Gallery.

Many thanks to Kathryn, Kristen, Rob, Catie, and the rest of the cast and crew of 2 Br/1 Ba for joining in and helping.

More soon.

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EXCLUSIVE! Kathryn On Set Of 2 Br/1 Ba – Part 1

on_set_20120927_004We’ve got a really big exclusive just for you, the readers of KM UK.

KM UK has secured exclusive access to an exclusive collection of exclusive photos taken exclusively on the set of the new movie 2 Br/1 Ba.  This is the first post in a series of KM UK Exclusives from the film.

Kathryn, starring as Olivia, filmed her scenes in one day in late September 2012 with Alexa Vega (Spy Kids) and Spencer Gammer (TV show Greek).  As we saw recently Kathryn is wearing a Ted Baker dress, a Donna Karan vintage belt and Linea Pelle bag.

4 brand new and exclusive large images of Kathryn on the set are now in the KM UK Gallery.  There are more to come.

We don’t like watermarked images here at KM UK so we have not tagged these.  We hope you will respect that decision.  If you see these images elsewhere they came from here.  If you make any fan art with these photos please let us know.

Did I mention these are a) for KM UK and b) exclusive?  :-)

Many thanks to director Rob Margolies, Catie, the rest of the cast and crew of 2 Br/1 Ba, and of course Kathryn for making this possible.

Look out for part 2 in the coming days.

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Kathryn Is Olivia In 2BR/1BA – Update

2br1ba_logo_002_150x117Here is the latest news on this oddly named film.

Kathryn will be playing a character called Olivia Morgan.

Olivia works as an assistant to a wealthy couple and she has reason to interview the two apartment sharing lead characters Janie and Dee (played by Alexa Vega and Spencer Grammer respectively).

Olivia is a supporting role and appears in 3 scenes.  Admittedly that does not sound like many but I am assured that they are “very memorable” and “crucial”.

The film is a feature length production with a running time of around 90 minutes.  Filming starts today (25th September 2012) with Kathryn due on set for a day later this week.

Late last week 2BR/1BA gained an IMDb page.  In fact it gained two.  We understand that this is being dealt with.  A link to one of them has been added to the list on the right.  It will be corrected later if necessary.

Don’t forget that 2BR/1BA is still seeking additional funding to help with post-production work.  Rewards are on offer to those that make a contribution.  See their Indiegogo page for details.

KM UK hopes to bring you some new and exciting stuff from this film in the very near future.  Watch this space!

Update (26th September):  The film’s IMDb pages have been reduced to the tune of one, to one.

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