
March 2025
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Cold Case S07E15 – Two Weddings Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E15_lilly_159This was well hyped, perhaps too much, but I think it lived up to it.

In so many ways I had it well and truly nailed before hand.  For example, it was a fun throw away episode with no real significance to the greater story arcs.  Also, the bouquet was only going to end up with one person.  However, I did mess up on a couple of crucial ones.  Firstly, the doer (or lack of) was a surprise and by mid-show I had a pretty firm idea of the way it was going but they didn’t take my route.

The second one is the more important one though.  So often Cold Case lets me down.  Not this time.  They went far beyond expectations.  The make-up crew must have used all the really thick stuff to cover Kathryn’s tattoo, leaving none for her face because Lilly looked amazing throughout.  The dress was great, and not full length as I’d feared.  And we had an abundance of wonderful smiles.  Legs and smiles.  You couldn’t really ask for more from an episode.

I might have slightly over done the number of exclusive HD (720p) screencaps this week by making 276 of them, but I make no apologies for that.  How could I not!  😉

Check out TVFan‘s review over on Pass The Remote.

No new Cold Case next week because CBS seemed to have suddenly noticed that the Oscars are on that night and have decided to go with a CC repeat instead.

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Exclusive! Relativity Speaking – Updated

Relativity_S01E01_Pilot_020Here we have the answer to last week’s mystery image quiz.  Thank you all for taking part.  It was fun to watch you consider the options.  However, none of you got the right answer.

The answer is the image is from the TV series Relativity.

I know.  Me too.  Only one season was made and it was broadcast in the US from September of 1996 to April of 1997.

Continue reading »

Cold Case S07E14 – Metamorphosis Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E14_lilly_123I knew it!  I told you Kathryn was in this one  😉

As usual KM UK exclusively brings you the biggest and best Lilly screencaps around. 204 HD (720p) sized images from Metamorphosis can now be found in the Gallery.  And Lilly looked especially good this time.

Next week we get Lilly out of her uniform for the first time in ages 😉  A promo video for the episode, Two Weddings, has been added to the Gallery.  A better version of the video has been substituted.

TVFan has posted her review over at Pass The Remote.  I think she liked it  😉

Spoiler-laden talk may now begin.

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Cold Case S07E13 – Bombers Screencaps – Update

Cold_Case_S07E13_lilly_127Some interesting turns of events in this one.  I don’t think we can call the images spoilerish on those fronts though, as usual, an image late in the set does tell you the doer in this case.

I think we can allow some spoiler discussion in the comments so don’t go any further if you’d rather not know anything.

199 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps can now be found in the Gallery.

TVFan has posted her review over at Pass The Remote.

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Update: Episode 14, Metamorphosis, promo video added to the Gallery.

KM UK Exclusive! PWOG: The Missing Episode

pwog_s01e15_104Another case closed.

We’re revisiting an early post with this one.  After so long searching I was able to bring to the world exclusive screencaps of Kathryn’s breakthrough TV role as Lt. Annalisa “Stinger” Lindstrom in the TV series Pensacola: Wings Of Gold.  And they turned out to be better than I could ever have imagined.

Unfortunately there was a gap in the set.  Episode 15, Power Play, was MIA.  Well, it’s now been rounded up and capped.  It does not have the shock and awwww of episodes from the beginning and end of the season, but it is still worth a brisk march through.

116 new screencaps have been added to the Gallery.

Reminder: All screencaps on KM UK are exclusive to KM UK and are not to be posted on other websites.

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