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When Heather Met KM UK

on_set_001If you haven’t done so yet please go and read the earlier post about “Heather Coxx” and the time she met Kathryn.  It’s an entertaining, if slightly hard going, read.

Once you have read it you’ll no doubt quickly work out that it is in fact Grade-D b******t.  It is certainly not worthy of an ‘A’.

In the tradition of exams I will show my working out:

  • When I first added the photo you see on the right to the Gallery it was done so attached to an article about the Cold Case season 4 episode 22: Cargo. It was part of the KM UK Summer Of HD 2011.
  • Heather’s Twitter account bio reads:

    I’m Heather from Cincinnati, 16 years old and proud ginger (even dyed my hair more red). Model. Kathryn Morris is my idol, met her 23-07-’07♥ (see [the image above])

Do you see it?

  • The date “23-07-’07” in the bio is not in the American Month-Day-Year format yet Heather claims to be from Cincinnati (a word she often misspells).
  • Cargo was broadcast for the first time on the 15th April 2007, three months before “Heather” claims the photo was taken.  Any filming in late July would more likely be for the first episodes of the next season, and is probably a little too early for that anyway.  Cargo was most likely filmed in March or April.

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It’s Happened Again – Fake KM Twitter

Early on Saturday morning (UK time) another “Kathryn Morris” Twitter account was created, this time it was @_KathrynMorris.  We’ll call her “Kathryn 2”.

It looked reasonably plausible, with a photo and bio, but then so did the last one we dealt with, the now defunct @KathrynMorris_ account.

Myself and another fan, KM UK regular Kathy, conversed with “Kathryn 2” a little and I did so in private messages as well.  As before I was reserving judgement on “Kathryn 2” until I had more information to go on.  This was likely to take a few days.  Sadly, I’m not going to get that opportunity now as “Kathryn 2” suddenly closed the account, just hours after creating it.

The abrupt closure is probably a sign in of itself that the account was a fake.  The claim in the private chat of a big movie role to be announced soon should be taken with a large pinch of salt too.  Thanks to dianekmfan, another KM UK regular, for pointing out issues with the language “Kathryn 2” was using.  It was odd for a native English speaker and certainly a mark against it but we didn’t get the definite proof we got last time (when the perp dropped a real clanger when claiming where “Kathryn” was at the time) though.

Taking it all into consideration I think that it is safe to say that it was fake.  Such a shame that we didn’t get to expose it as such before that.

At least this time the faker had the good sense to stop before it went any further.  Why they didn’t apply that good sense before hand and not start it in the first place we might never know.

The thing that really puzzles me is to why someone would do this?  Based on the information they had I can only assume that they would say they are a fan of Kathryn.  Personally I don’t think that they should call themselves that.  No fan of Kathryn would try and do this to other fans.  This, for want of a better word, ‘person’ has now lost the right to take that moniker.  “Kathryn 2”, you are no fan of Kathryn!

I think some KM admirers totally hate you.  I am sure that some of them would like to find out who you really are.  Me?  I’m not angry or upset.  I’m disappointed.  Disappointed in the person behind this lie.


Open Letter To “Kathryn”


A couple of weeks ago you made the Twitter account @KathrynMorris_ claiming you are an “Actress/activist” in “Los Angeles, CA” and it quickly garnered a lot of interest.

The photo you used for the account profile picture (see right) was of the actress Kathryn Morris, best known as Detective Lilly Rush in the CBS TV show Cold Case.  You wanted everyone to think that you were that Kathryn Morris.  The intent was clear.

You are not Kathryn.  We all know that now.

Your plan was to use this Twitter account to dupe me specifically (let’s face it the London trip was a bit of a give away) but your actions had much wider consequences.  Did you even consider that?

The people most affected by your deception were the other fans that you allowed to believe you really were Kathryn Morris.  You led people on.  You let them believe.  When it was shown you were an impostor it caused upset.  They did not deserve to be treated that way.  For this you should be thoroughly ashamed.

The one slightly redeeming feature is that once you had proved yourself to be a liar you had the good sense to bow out quickly and close the account.

“Kathryn” are you a fan of Kathryn?  I don’t think she would want a supporter that does something like this, do you?  What would she think of this behaviour?


KM UK Xmas Message 2011

promo_006Happy Xmas!

2011 has been a tumultuous year around the world.  We’ve seen tragedies such as the Japanese earthquake and subsequent tsunami.  People around the world have risen up against ruling regimes to assert their wish for freedom in things like the Arab Spring and the ‘Occupy’ movements.  In the UK we had our own unfortunate merger of the two with riots and looting in cities across the country.

We don’t deal with world events like that here but for Kathryn Morris fans this year has been… complicated.  Here is KM UK’s round-up of 2011.

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Texas On Hold’em – Where Is This Roadshow Going?

screening_poster_20110407_austin_texasKathryn was a no-show in Austin last night.  In fact the whole event appears to have not happened at all.

Asher Levin (writer/director of Cougars, Inc.) had posted on the Facebook page on Monday about the event.  Yesterday I asked him if he was in or was heading off to Texas in the hope of finding out if Kathryn would be there.  He replied:

we’ll be in austin later this month. Along with some more towns all over the country. More info to follow… – Link

I tried to confirm that he really meant that they were not going to be at Maggie Mae’s for the events he previously informed us about (nearly a week after KM UK broke the news) and were listed on the venue’s website (and still is at time of writing).  No answer was forthcoming.

On several occasions Asher has asked for people to suggest towns for them to visit as part of a roadshow throughout April.  This has garnered some responses, one of which was answered with something along the lines of “you organize it and we’ll be there”.  This suggests to me that there are few, if any, events already organised.  We are a week in to April and the one screening that was supposed to happen didn’t.  Are we likely to get more than one event per week in the remaining three?  What are the chances of significant cast members being able to commit time to events not organised much in advance?

I fear the wheels are falling off this roadshow.  Hopefully I’m wrong.

Update: Asher has posted another message asking for suggestions on places to visit.

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