
March 2025
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Not ‘Appy

It has come to my attention that a Cold Case-related app has recently been added to the Google Play store for Android phones and tablets.

I won’t further the embarrassment by naming names.  And I’m certainly not going to post a link to the page in the app store.  That’ll just encourage them.

Suffice to say the app is a simple word puzzle game with some pictures of the cast, all of which you’ve seen on this site and dozens of others.  It’s an app with a silent “cr”.  The maker has churned out a load of them on different themes. It is NOT official in any way.

There’s a bunch of reasons that the app is not on Apple’s App Store, the main one being that the Fruity one curates the content on there to stop such dross.  Keep in mind that just because version 1 of an app has simple permissions (network access for instance) doesn’t mean that v1.1 won’t try and sneak far more dangerous ones past you such as sending text messages or accessing you contacts.  Let’s be careful out there.

The saving grace is that the app is free.  Charging for it would be a crime.  Much like the English in the accompanying description.

eBayers Beware

ebay_120x120During one of my recent regular web searches I found a lot of Kathryn-related photos on sale on the online auction site eBay.

I know such things are nothing new but this time some of the items really caught my eye and I wanted to publicise practises used by some sellers of such merchandise.

The first thing that struck me was the number of still photographs from Cold Case that were available.  I was not aware there were that many around.  Also, the fact that they were all described as ‘rare’ is a little rich.  If you are selling printed images online then the rarity is only a trait based on how many you can sell.  The word ‘sexy’ is also bandied about with gay abandon.  Obviously with Kathryn being the chief subject of the images the ‘sexy’ is baked right in there, but there is still a time and a place to use it and this was not it.  Is a shot of Lilly interviewing a suspect in interrogation ‘sexy’?  It is not as though she was untying her hair, loosening a couple of shirt buttons, sitting on a chair the wrong way around, and asking in a husky tone where the perp was at the time of the murder.

Further inspection made me even more suspicious about some these items.  That image of the interrogation room looked very familiar.  A recent-KM-UK-Summer-Of-HD-post level of familiar.  I could actually see the new items going up for sale a few days behind them appearing on this site.  A comparison between some recently added screencaps and the ‘glossy photos’ shows my hunch was right.  Many of these images being sold as high quality photos are just prints of screencaps, created by me for this site, albeit cropped to remove any station idents.  If the scene matches a screencap exactly then the photo has to be taken from that individual video frame.  There is no way a genuine photo taken during the filming can be the same.  It is just not possible.

At this point I should make clear that I am not in any way claiming ownership of these images, that would be wrong.  I am not trying to make money from this site, on the contrary there are costs involved in the hosting etc.

What I am stating is the sellers passing off printed screencaps as ‘rare… glossy photos’ are attempting to dupe buyers.  The quality of the print may be fantastic but if the source is at best a 1920×1080 (that’s 2Mpixel) still taken from a broadcast video then it cannot be described as such.

I attempted to contact several of the eBay sellers about this and, to his/her credit, one of them responded.  The individual thanked me for telling them about this and said they would discuss it with their supplier.  I’ve not heard any more from them.  Some of the auctions were closed and the numbers do seem to have dropped of since then but many remain and more have been added since.  There are also a lot of actual on set stills and publicity photographs on sale.

My reason for this post?  I wanted to alert everyone to this practise in case you were considering purchasing such photos.  Of all the ones I’ve seen I don’t think any couldn’t be found on this site, or elsewhere on the Internet, and printed for yourself.  If you really wanted a high quality, photo-style print you could probably do just as good a job by using your own printer and the right paper or finding someone with a good photo printer to do it for you.  Many high street and online services can also produce glossy prints from any source you have, and all for a lot less money they the sellers on eBay are asking.

‘Carpe Diem’ as they say.  Or should that be ‘crappy, dayum’?  Or just ‘crappy deal’.

KM UK Xmas Message 2013

on_set_20120927_010Happy Xmas!

Happy Xmas everybody.

The last few years I’ve done this Xmas Message as a look back on the Kathryn-related news and events that we’ve brought you in the previous 12 months.  When I first thought about writing this one I wondered what I could do.  It felt like little had happened.  Fortuntely further investigation proved me very wrong or this would be a very short piece.

promo_010The year started with much anticipation of the release of the Hallmark movie The Sweeter Side Of Life.  After news of the film broke in May of 2012 we brought you comprehensive coverage, including promo photos and the first trailer.  This continued in the first weeks of January with almost daily updates.  The 19th of the month saw the première broadcast on the Hallmark channel in the US.  We followed up with exclusive screenshots and my own review.

silver_lake_juice_bar_001February brought us a little insight into the world of Kathryn with the discovery of her endorsement of a local juice bar.  The short film The Coin, which was filmed in July of 2012, made the first of many appearances on KM UK during this year with some great on set photos.  Almost exactly a year ago we’d seen the first trailer.  This year would see a lot of news about the very intriguing short.

on_set_001March, however, saw the news that so many of us had been waiting for since Cold Case ended in 2010:  Kathryn was starring in the pilot for a new show called The Surgeon General.  The show was to be a “procedural” based around the work of the “nation’s doctor” rooting out major health issues and featured British actor “Hello to” Jason Isaacs (Case Histories).  After the high regard that his previous US TV series Awake was held in, Jason had his choice of new shows.  The fact that he went for The Surgeon General made it a good candidate for being picked up to series.  It was up against some strong opposition though.  Even the safe bet of an NCIS spin-off didn’t make it, and neither did The Surgeon General.  That news came in mid-May.  We were very fortunate to get some photos taking during the production process at the time from her co-stars Alex Dawson and Kristen Shaw, and her stand-in Melissa Rutland (see photo on the left).  Thank you ladies.  Both Kristen and Melissa are based in Atlanta, where the Rod Lurie directed pilot was filmed.

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Facebook Fabrication – Update x3

This was not a subject I wanted to post about.  I do my best to be as generous and tolerant towards others as I can.  But there are limits to even my patience.

A person who some of you may know, who claims to be a fan of Kathryn (and can’t seem to write the word “fan” without putting the word “fierce” in front of it) runs a Facebook Page dedicated to her.  You may have seen it, ‘Liked’ it, or even left a comment.  She’s called Lisa.  I’m not going to give a link to the page, frankly she doesn’t deserve it.

It has been obvious to me for a while that Lisa has been posting pictures taken from this site on her Facebook page.  The images are often the ones I use as banners for the individual posts.  The size, shape and cropping which makes them unique to this site gives the game away completely.

Back in June I challenged Lisa over this via Twitter.  She did not respond to me directly but left the following message on Facebook a short while later:

To all of you, good Kathryn’s fans!!! I want to be clear: this fb fan page don’t steal info, photos, pictures, links, sites from other fan pages; this fb fan page don’t plagiarize from others; its directors are honest and sincere doing their great job in a really right way to update this fb fan page as the best they can every day always searching, finding and being informed; this fb fan page and its directors will never plagiarize!!! By The Directors

It’s a lie.

Let me make it clear that I am not claiming ownership of the images.  What I am stating is that it is the policy of this site to not take images from other fan sites and post them here.  If all the fan sites just copied images from each other then they’d all be the same.  According to Lisa’s comment she feels the same way.  The evidence shows otherwise.

Lisa can’t make those bold claims stand-up when you see this image, which I created especially for this post, included on her Facebook page.

Lisa you are the weakest link.  Goodbye.That is just one of a great many examples.  Lisa has also posted fan art created by some you just for this site, without giving you any credit.

In the past week I have tried contacting Lisa again via Twitter.  She’s ignored me.  Yesterday I left comments on a lot of the images she has taken from this site saying where they came from.  Those comments have been removed and I am unable to leave further comments.  Make of that what you will.

Lisa might be “fierce”, but “honest” she is not.



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KM UK Xmas Message 2012

on_set_20120927_010Happy Xmas!

Unlike the Queen of England’s annual address to the nation, this year’s KM UK Xmas Message will sadly not be in 3D.  For shame.

Like many people in the world Kathryn’s fans faced another year of uncertainty, albeit for different reasons.  Our austerity was due to the very real possibility of no Kathryn.  No television series starring or produced by her made the 2011/2012 season.  There was never any sign she was looking at such an acting role, and the lack of any news on the Princess Of Whales production did not bode well.  By this time last year we knew that Kathryn would, at best, appear in a single deleted scene on the Moneyball DVD/Blu-ray.  And, to cap it all the short film Sunday’s Mother had gone AWOL since a trailer was released in November 2011.

001We managed to keep  things going but it wasn’t until April that news broke that Sunday’s Mother would receive an official première screening at the Newport Beach Film Festival at the beginning of May.  That revelation was followed a few days later by our favourite lady gracing an event with her presence in the first public appearance of 2012: the premiere of She Wants Me.  The exact reason for her being there was never made clear…  Kathryn only made couple of other appearances for the rest of the year.

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