
March 2025
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Kathryn Is Sunday’s Mother

Sunday Marks imageLook what turned up in a recent bit of searching!

Kathryn is going to make a new short film!  It’s called Sunday’s Mother and she is playing the role of Gillian Marks, mother of troubled boy Sunday.

In the project’s own words:  Sunday’s Mother is a dramatic coming-of-age short film about the conflict and paranoia a timid highschooler, Sunday (Chase Ellison), goes through when he is blackmailed by the school bully who threatens to tell everyone that he had sex with Sunday’s mother (played by Cold Case’s Kathryn Morris).

Award winner Aaron Jackson wrote the screenplay and will direct the film.  Riley Smith (Joan Of Arcadia) plays Jason, a “love interest” for Gilloan.  The role of Roger the bully is, as yet, not cast.

I’ve been in contact with Aaron and producer Andrew Corkin.  They have confirmed that Kathryn is “100% locked in” to the project, which is fantastic news.  Production is due to start on the 8th of July.

I say “due to start” because these things are rarely as simple as that.  It takes money to make a film and this is where you, dear reader, can make a difference.  Together we can help get this film, starring our favourite lady, made.  To raise money for Sunday’s Mother Aaron is looking for pledges to be made via the website Kickstarter.  You can find the  Sunday’s Mother page HERE, it has details of the rewards you can receive for pledging.  A mere $50 will get you a “Thank you” credit in the film.

KM UK will be doing whatever it can to support this project.  You can help by spreading the word.  Tell everyone you know about the film and send them to the Sunday’s Mother page for your pledges.

Fictional character Sunday Marks has his own Facebook page.  The production company Titan Picture Media’s website has a page about Sunday’s Mother HERE.  Permanent links Sunday’s Mother related pages are in a menu on the right.

We will have more on this very soon.

Forecast Good For More Sun (Protection)

printad_001The Sun Safety Alliance (SSA), in collaboration with the Entertainment Industries Council, Inc. (EIC), campaign to promote UV protection awareness is definitely back on.

A print-based advertising campaign has just started with the image on the right (see the gallery for a large version) due to appear in various US magazines.  Apparently Victoria Magazine has already carried it.  Have you seen it?

There should be more to come from this campaign in the near future.  We’ll keep you posted.

The SSA have teamed up with Ayana Apparel to create a range of UV protective garments, including t-shirts endorsed by Kathryn and the Desperate Housewives actress Andrea Bowen.

The earlier image from Kathryn’s photoshoot has been replaced in the gallery by a larger, higher quality version.

Huge thanks to Larry @ EIC for his great help with this.

Look On The Bright Side – The Sun Rises Again

celebrity_tee_001It appears that the Sun Safety Alliance (SSA) backed campaign to promote UV protection awareness is back on for 2010.

We first heard about this last year (here and here).  Kathryn, along with Desperate Housewives actress Andrea Bowen, was to be a spokesperson for the campaign and would endorse a t-shirt line.  Kathryn even did a photoshoot for the t-shirts.  Things seemed to get delayed and as we got further into the summer it all went very quiet.  I guess there’s little point launching such a campaign late in the summer.

The Ayana Apparel online store now has a Kathryn Morris endorsed t-shirt available for purchase.  The illustrative photo, seen on the right, from the website can now be found in the Gallery.  That’s a lovely photo, t-shirt or no t-shirt  :-)

I have requested more information on this and will post updates with anything I find out.

Fan Campaign For CC Season 8

The folks over at Cold Case discussion board Look Again are initiating a campaign to get Cold Case an 8th season.  Under threat of non-renewal for season 7, though Kathryn herself has said it wasn’t as bad as many think, the tide seems to be against the chances of another reprieve.

Can a clear sign of support by as many fans as possible convince CBS to continue with the show?  It certainly does no harm to try.

You can find all the details here in Byrdman‘s thread on Look Again.

Tick Tock It’s Kathryn O’Clock – Update

Further to Kathryn’s appearance at the the Environmental Media Awards in October she has added her name and face to the TckTckTck campaign for action on the issue of climate change.  Kathryn appears briefly in their public service announcement video with other stars, amongst them Simon Baker, Olivia Wilde and Alanis Morissette.

The Global Campaign for Climate Action (GCCA) are using the TckTckTck campaign to target the UN Climate Summit Copenhagen in December 2009.  The GCCA is a coalition of organisations that include UNICEF, Oxfam, The Red Cross and Greenpeace calling for governments to act on climate change.

You can read the full press release and download the video here.  The video has also been added to the Gallery.

Update: 2 more video variants and some HD screencaps have been added to the Gallery.  The press release has been posted after the jump.

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