Lilly solves a case with Agent Cavanaugh, who is clearly grooming her for a job at the FBI. He has to field test her first though. There’s a lot of “free love” going around 😉
335 HD (720p) exclusive screencaps can be found in the Gallery. Lots of great Lilly smiles
TVFan gives us her review of Free Love and a view of the future over at Pass The Remote.
This episode was SOOO cute .
I love how the kiss at the car wasn’t even romantic. It was just like BAM! 😉
And when they started running in the rain, I almost died! It was so adorable how they were just all of a sudden holding hands! BAHAHA!
They didn’t hold hands at all, if you watch carefully they were running pretty close to one another but, their hands never touched
Look at images 153, 154 and 155 (top of the 4th page) in the gallery. They are holding hands.
I didn’t notice it, thanks I’ll go back and look
No problem. It’s always worth checking these things through as best you can before stating them as fact.
First of all, I always prefer the pair of Lilly & Scotty ^^
But I have to agree with Tianna, long ago she was so happy, long ago she was not laughing or enjoying this way.
Lilly reminded me of the first season, more cheerful, more fun.
She wanted to be with him, even wanted to kiss him.
When he kissed her, she still smiled, even laughed.
In this episode he was so nice with her, and Lilly enjoyed with him!
@Sonia- Lilly wasn’t happy long ago, she is now. Lilly and Scotty aren’t a pair. He didn’t ask where she was…
I’m glad that both she and the FBI agent aren’t together, the kiss was just for fun, nothing more. This episode was very different.
@IcyWinter- I think they do an excellent partner, anyway I do not know what you mean with Scotty, I still have not seen the chapter, I will see it this Friday, so far I’ve seen a video that is about the moments between them .
only just for fun? i don’t know..
@Sonia- I just responded because you said something about her and Scotty being a pair. The video is a fan made one, it’s not real. They won’t be together, it would have already happened.
Hope is the last to die! i want Lilly and Scotty together.
In my first comment i was talking about episode 20
It’s Lilly and the FBI agent, Lilly was never with her squad during this whole episode. I’m not telling anyone to give up hope, even though I’m not a shipper myself.
yes, i know that were lilly and FBI agent… I think you don’t understood me.
I was talking about episode 20, about moments between lilly an ryan.. and i said too that i like scotty more rayns, only it!
Unless your talking about this episode, which is Lilly kissing the FBI agent but it wasn’t romantic
@Sonia- We are talking about the same episode here, I understand you prefer Lilly with Scotty since your a shipper. It’s a good thing that Ryan and Lilly never got together, it was just a moment nothing more
My mistake, I understand now, sorry, I was reading wrong, i was confused with some phrases
I understand ;-), at least in this episode, whomever was in charge of the props did a great job with getting what the New York State Lisence plate actually looks like, some shows they use the old ones.
That was one of the cutest episodes ever!! Loved the moments between Ryan and Lil and lots of great smiles of her.
I have to agree with Tianna…the BAM effect was just jaw-dropping 😉
It was a different episode, enjoyed it.
This episode was PRO. Like, Varsity level.
Lilly+Ryan= cauuuuuute couple!!!
And I loved seeing more of Agent Yates. I felt so bad for her though
@Lolly- Lilly and Ryan aren’t a couple, they just had a moment together. I don’t think the writers were intending to put them together. They were cute, but Lilly belongs with Saccardo
Yeah, but wasn’t Lilly saying to Yates that she was seeing someone? So Lilly and Saccardo aren’t a couple neither (anymore). But it’s obvious that she still loves him (during that scene in the restaurant) and I agree she should be with him on the one hand but I doubt it’ll work because of him beeing undercover all the time. And on the other hand she should be with someone she can spend more time with. Plus this way we get so see more kisses 😉
No, Yates asked Lilly if she was seeing anyone, Lilly replied,” Was,”. That told us that she isn’t with Saccardo anymore. I don’t think her and Ryan will be together either. It didn’t seems as if this was going to be a relationship, just a spur of the moment kiss, nothing more.
It was a just a thing, but we all know that the writers have never given any of the detectives as successful relationship in the past, so I wouldn’t count on any new love interest. Besides it would have been annouced like all the other love interests in the past.
Oopsie, I meant to say that Lilly sayed “Was”.
I know, I know …Saccardo 😉
That’s right. When you look back non of the detectives had a longer relationship. Haven’t looked that way before.
I agree on Lilly and Ryan never beeing a couple … I wouldn’t mind more fun moments though
I know, haha.
But I meant it to be taken like they would make a cute couple if they were to be added together. 
They would be, but I just didn’t see anything real chemistry between them. I’m glad that Lilly didn’t take the application book with her. She’s loyal to her squad. No way would she ever leave them!!!
I have mixed feelings about it. If they were to not renew Cold Case, I would want her to take it, because it would he a great set up for a spin off.
But if it’s getting renewed, guess who wouldn’t watch Cold Case if she took the job? Meeee….
I don’t think the spinoff would do so well with the fans. I doubt CBS would even consider doing that. Either we have CC or no CC at all.
The only thing that I hated was the break in stuff, that to me was pretty boring. But everything else I liked.
i totally agree with you IcyWinter. i don’t want that Lil leaves her team.. i think they are lika a family and they must be together
At the end, you can see that clearly Lilly is sticking with her squad.
As for her kissing Ryan, a kiss doesn’t always have to mean it’s love. It happened and nothing else. I don’t think they were in love or want to be together. Nothing had indicated that either Ryan or Lilly wanted more.
I’ve been over the footage and it really isn’t clear. The folder is there on the desk when she turns off the computer, but after that you see her putting her bag over her shoulder. The folder is not visible, but you can’t see the top desk well enough to say whether it is still there or not.
As for the kiss. I think they both wanted, and got, more. The very nexts words we hear from Agent Cavanaugh, in the next scene interviewing the congresswoman the next morning, are “I’m feeling lucky.” 😉
But maybe that’s just me 😮
Whahaha! I had the same reaction to Cavanaugh’s “I’m feeling lucky” comment!
“I bet you ARE!” was my thought! 😀
I doubt anything happened more than just the kiss, it probably was a rouse from Ryan to get the congresswoman to tell her more.
About the folder, I watched the scene several times. All you see is Lilly leaving with her bag, the folder is on the desk. She put it down after looking at it.
I’ve been over the HD version of the show and you really can’t see if the folder is there or not.
The scene goes like this:
1. Close-up of the blue folder on desk, Lilly grabs it.
If it was for Lilly it would say “Special Agent Rush” 
2. Wide-shot of Lilly picking the folder up and looking at the front.
3. Close-up of the front of the folder so we can all read the label. “Special Agent Application”. Never heard of him. Must be a new guy
4. Close-up of the Lilly’s lovely face as she looks up to survey the room.
5. Wide-shot, quite a different pose from one in the previous shot. She looks across the room. The folder is held in front of her stomach. She lowers it to her side and looks down at the desk.
6. Close-up of the desk. The folder is back on the desk (how did it get there?). Lilly clicks the mouse button. Lilly’s bag is just visible still lying on the desk.
7. Computer screen. File closes. FBI logo fills screen.
8. Lilly, having picked up her bag (another large change from the previous shot, throws the strap over her shoulder and leaves.
In several of the shots (1, 2, 5, 6 & 8 ) you can see an “in-tray” on the desk. It has a white thing on the top which really stands-out in the wider shots. That tray completely obscures where the folder is.
Check the last few images in the gallery.
I also think they had a night of “free love”, it was all over their face the morning after.
That’s what I like with CC, nothing’s heavily shown and everyone can see what they want 😉
The idea of solving cold cases nation wide is seducing but the very modern FBI office and the digital files are so… cold. A click to close a case will never replace a trip down the PPD basement to put away the box!
Whatever they did, it didn’t turn into a love thing. Ryan isn’t Lilly’s type, nor either of them look at each other in that way.
I know that Lilly would much rather carry the box down the basement rather than click off the box on the screen. I did notice that her squad is nothing without her.
I agree with you Zoe!!! I definitely think that Cold Case has a habit of IMPLYING that “free love” was going on 😉
The fact that they didn’t want to drive, and the fact that the bar had rooms for rent, (did anyone else catch that sign?)
Thanks, but I don’t think Lilly is really considering going to the FBI, judging from the look on her face.
@Lolly- I don’t think they went into the those room above the bar, I noticed this as well. Lilly probably drove back, being that Ryan was too intoxicated to drive.
Hey Lolly, I noticed the big inviting “HOTEL VACANCY” sign too. My instant thought was, as intoxicated as they may be, it won’t be hard for them to get a room!
IcyWinter, I was under the impression they were both equally intoxicated… I’d hate to think she drove in that state.
I think Ryan was very intoxicated, Lilly didn’t seem as if she was like that. I don’t think she would let herself get drunk with some FBI guy, given the face her mother was an alcholic.