It is just over 6 months since our last update on the trademark status of Kathryn’s production company Revival House.
In that half-year the United States Patent And Trademark Office (USPTO) required documentation proving the active use of the name Revival House in a commercial setting. As of May 11th, that information was not forthcoming so the applied for trademark Revival House is now officially ‘Abandoned’.
This change of status does not necessarily mean that the production company itself is dead, just that the protections afforded to the use of the name are lost. It is not a completely beyond saving, there is the option of a petition being submitted. There are only two weeks to do so though.
First filed in 2011, just a few months after Kathryn’s previous production company Hotplate Productions went through the same abandonment process, Revival House was accepted in April 2012. Proof of usage or a 6-month extension request needs to be submitted within 6 months. A maximum of 5 extensions can be approved, giving a total of 3 years to ‘use it or lose it’.
Since that time has all now passed with no signs of Revival House being used commercially, the trademark application on the name has been closed.
The Trademarkia website has all the details.
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