
January 2014
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Kathryn @ SAG Awards – Backstage Creations – Feb 2004

sag_backstage_creations_01sag_backstage_creations_002Those of you paying attention will have noticed a running theme recently: new photos from old awards events posted around the same date of the original.

We went back to the 2004 People’s Choice Awards and then jumped forward to an event connected to the Golden Globe Awards in 2010.

But hang on, you must be thinking, that heading says “Feb” and it’s still January.  What kind of witchcraft is this?

Apparently the organisers of the SAG awards have come over all Doctor Who in recent years and shifted time.  It must be some weird Hollywood anti-ageing thing.  Or, to be more accurate they’ve moved the awards ceremony to earlier in the year.  In 2004, the 10th such show, was the last to be held in late February.  After this is shifted a week or so each year before settling on its new late-January slot.  This year it jumped earlier again, happening on Saturday the 18th.

sag_backstage_creations_010sag_backstage_creations_016Those really paying attention will realise that this post is not actually about the awards ceremony at all (I’ll come to that later in the week).  Yes, this is one of those ‘get the celebs photographed next to our expensive stuff’ events.  Note that Kathryn has started off at the stand that has very big bags before perusing the others.  Clever girl.  And is that a BBQ she’s signing?!

20 ‘new’ small photos of Kathryn at the Backstage Creations event, which happened the day before the SAG Awards 2004, have been added to the KM UK Gallery.

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