
May 2013
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Days As Good As This Are In The Minority

still_001It is not often that examples of Kathryn’s work get aired on the main TV networks here in the UK.  When they do we try and make a bit of fuss about them here on KM UK.  Two on one day is almost unheard of, even if one them is just about the smallest guest starring role possible.

This Saturday (11th May 2013) those in the UK can get a double dose of Kathryn booking-ending the day. For this reason we are calling Saturday British Kathryn Morris Day.  Of course on KM UK every day is a KM Day.

Very late on Friday, at 12:50am when it is technically Saturday, Channel 4 are showing the the romdramedy (that’s romantic comedy drama) As Good As It Gets.  The 1997 movie starring Helen Hunt (Mad About You) and Jack Nicholson (Batman) is one of Kathryn’s earlier film roles and very, very brief.  She’s on screen for less than 10 seconds and has no dialogue.  You do get a real sense of the character “Psychiatric Patient” in that time though.  She’s a little jumpy.  The other 8330 seconds are worth watching too.

To complete the day the BBC dusts off Minority Report for the first time in 13 months.  Here Kathryn has a more substantial role, not that that is too difficult in comparison :-),  as the wife of Tom Cruise’s main character in this Steven Spielberg directed sci-fi action film from 2002.  John (Tom) and Lara (Kathryn) are estranged, a situation caused by the death of their son some years before.  Tom works as a police office for a special squad that prevent major crimes (primarily murders) happening with advanced warning from a set of triplets that can see the future.  When John is implicated in a murder he goes on the run to clear his name.

So that’s 00:50 on Channel 4 and 23:50 on BBC1 this Saturday.  If you can, enjoy British Kathryn Morris Day UK.

11 comments to Days As Good As This Are In The Minority

  • This is unuseless ‘news’ for people outside the UK which is the majority.
    There are probaly 3/4 people from The UK here.

    We want real Kathryn news, not news we can read in English TV guides.

  • Correcting: all TV guides with BBC in it, I found it 2 days ago in mine too.

  • Michelle

    Huh? I don’t understand Kathy’s comments at all! What is “unuseless”? Is it the opposite of useless, and therefore useful? Or is it a badly worded criticism of this particular update? If so, why not just stop following this blog? I don’t live in the UK, but I don’t find this update “unuseless”. (Or do I? Still can’t make out the definition of that word.) Regardless, congrats to Kathy for being able to use her TV guide, but it is unseemly to criticize RichE for updating those who are perhaps not so skilled. And for those of us outside the UK who enjoy his updates merely because we find the writer of said updates enjoyable.

  • Michelle ,you serious need to shut up. It’s just my opinion and what you said about my TV guide is totally ridiculous!
    I’m 14 and from The Netherlands my English it not perfect! Everybody makes mistakes so do I and I’m able to say my opinion.

  • Michelle

    The way I see it, RichE does a very good job considering the lack of news and information there is to be written about and he should be applauded for finding a way to make regular updates to the site, not criticized. I think, if it weren’t for him and this site, you would get practically no updates at all. And if you feel you have the right to share your opinion, then don’t tell me to shut up for sharing mine.

  • Jesus, I didn’t said RichE doesn’t do a good job, I just said it unuseless (yes unuseless) information for people outside The UK and BBC-channels.

    Oh and oh yes I would been updated without this. I have a very goos friend from here who knows this all too.

    I don’t have to tell you to shut up? Then you didn’t had to make me ridiculous with the TV guide quote. That was very mean, Michelle.

  • In Dutch there is un-useless, on-gebruikelijk.

    And I have a two week holiday so don’t blame me.

    • According to my translators “gebruikelijk” means “common” or “usual”. So “on-gebruikelijk” would mean “uncommon” or “unusual”.

      “Useless” translates to “nutteloos”.

      In your original comment I think you were saying that this news was not for people outside the UK, which is true. In that case “nutteloos” or “useless” makes more sense. The post is “unusual” in being very UK-specific.

      If “Unuseless” was a word it would be a double negative and better written as “useful”, which goes against your meaning.

  • Your translater is wrong about the first part.
    I know my language better then a translator.

    But sorry for my mistake.

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