Let’s kick it
In a few days time (11th August 2023) a new version of the 1991 ‘classic’ movie Cool As Ice will be released by the German label Turbine Medien.
Ice is back with a brand new invention
Well, not really. The movie itself is the same. This new Blu-ray release is all about the extra features. There are actually various versions being made available, each in limited numbers, and there is one that combines them all. Plus, one with all that and a baseball cap.
Check out the hook while my DVD revolves it
The extras include a commentaries, interviews, books, and a DVD version in original 4:3 SD format.
We make it hype and you want to step with this
The four main variants are each is limited to 500 instances. The all-in-one + cap is only 32 in number. An odd choice of number, maybe they couldn’t get any more caps.
If there was a problem, Yo, I’ll solve it
Much more information on this new Cool As Ice release can be seen on the distributor’s website HERE. and they’ve released a trailer on YouTube HERE. There’s a brief glimpse of Kathryn from one of her two scenes at around the 20 second mark. See the previous post HERE on KM UK for more details on the movie itself.
Yo man, let’s get out of here
Word to your mother

Can think of movies in which Kathryn appears that deserve a blu ray release more than this one! Truly one of the worst movies ever made and yet in her brief appearance Kathryn stands out as ever. I’d love to see blu ray releases of Rise and Walk, Inferno etc from her earlier movie appearances.