
September 2014
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Cold Case Cast Catch-up – September 2014

Blimey!  September is one of those sneaky short months!  It nearly caught me out!

There’s just a few hours left to squeeze in the latest catch-up with the careers of the other Cold Case cast in the KM UK CCCC-up for September 2014.

Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in CC) is a good place to start.  Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (aka SVU) started it’s latest season last week in America, it continues tomorrow (Wednesday).  I can’t comment with any authority (because I don’t watch the show) but I gather that Danny’s Detective Amaro is currently working in the traffic division as part of a punishment for infractions at the end of last season.  No doubt he’ll be back in a both the fold of the SVU squad and a suit before too long.

Whilst Danny only deals with one job, albeit one that takes the best part of 9 months of filming per year and many long hours, Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC) is, as usual, seemingly dealing with multiple projects at once.  A couple of weeks ago Tracie announced she’d been filming a webseries called Sidetracked.  Details are sketchy but it appears to star Tracie, Adrienne Wilkinson (know to many for a recurring role in the TV series Xena: Warrior Princess), actress/model Kara Gibson, Wes Ramsey, and probably others.  Various combinations of those people have worked together before.  For example Tracie’s first TV role was with Adrienne in As If.  The comedy drama is about a group of friends that realise life has not ended up as they intended.  They’ve been… wait for it… Sidetracked.  Back in June’s CCCC-up I briefly mentioned that Tracie had been cast in a new play called Lost Lake.  The play is due to open at the Manhattan Theatre Club, New York, in early October and previews start a week or so later.  A video of interviews with Tracie, co-star John Hawkes (Deadwood), and the playwright David Auburn popped up on YouTube a few weeks ago.  They explain the play better than I could so I’ll leave that to them.  To bring us right up to date, last night (29 Sept) Tracie hosted the Second Annual Hero Awards Gala in New York for the National Law Enforcement and Firefighters Children’s Foundation.  The NLEAFCF is a charity that supports the families of police officers and firefighters killed or disabled in the line of duty.  You can read more about their work on their website here.

To end this CCCC-up edition we come to Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera in CC).  Jeremy has made a short film called Keep It Together.  Main character Bobby is “recently sober and expecting his first child.”  Jeremy plays not-so sober Uncle Paul who Bobby tries to save from his self-destructive path.  Comedy?  Probably not.

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