Who had the brilliant idea of having the 4th of July on a Friday this year? 😀
I would imagine that productivity has been at an all time low in the US with the week-long party held in the lead up to such a big day for the nation.
For those of you still sober and conscious, and to Kathryn and her family, Happy Fourth Of July.
I’ve used the picture above before and I make no apology for doing so again. Thanks again to smallbarbie for giving us one of KM UK’s iconic images. It and many more can be found in our Fan Art Gallery.
ohh, You’re such a sweetheart to use my old fan art.. 😉
I thought you’d started so nicely and then it turned sour at the end. Then I realised I’d misread the last bit
How could I not use it? It’s great. I don’t throw around the word iconic lightly. I’d use it more but it is rather specific so it wouldn’t be appropriate.
I see that it’s even been used as the basis of other work on a certain Facebook page that cannot be named. Not that that page ever copies this site… Does posting 4th July stuff after me count?
you’re too sweet
at least you are nice considering all the things happening in my life& that the love of my life(not Kathryn) has blocked me on facebook
miss chatting with you! and don’t worry about person who ‘cannot be named’ 😉 we all know you’re the best and so KM UK is!! I gotta go, I need to get up in 5 hours!! :*
Sorry to hear that. You can contact me any time you want amei.
Thanks for the holiday wishes. 😀 I hope you have a good Friday, even though you don’t have reason to celebrate.
ah i wondered where you’d gone amei, nice to see you
LOL, I thought everyone was happy that I was gone haha, been busy with work& other things, anyway, still Kathryn deserves someone better than JM, Riche for example 😉
I don’t come on here often so I didn’t know you’d actually gone. are you from the US?
according to my parents I am from hell 😉 I feel I’m 40% American, I’m 30% British & I’m 30% Russian ;]
I’m 95% English and 15% mathematician.
95+15=110! it makes you an alien 😉
Or just very bad at maths
I need to increase the %.
Im 99.9% welsh & 1% english
Can i be nosey and ask how old you are?
meee or Riche?? I am 21yo!
I’m about the same age as Kathryn.
If you click the “Reply” next to the time/date of a person’s comment it will indent the response so it is clearer which comment you are replying to.
Don’t lie!! pfff I know you’re 100yo!! ;D
Kids today, no respect 😡
next time just ask me 😉
opps! aw sorry guys. *shy face* I’m 27 😀
Clearly I’m the baby of the site! 19 years old, but rapidly approaching 20.
ah i remember being 19 – sorry daydreamed then haha