
April 2014
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Mother’s Day Fan Art?

It’s just occurred to me that in a couple of weeks time (Sunday, May 11th) it will be Mother’s Day in the United States Of America.

Those of us in the UK don’t make our mothers wait so long, we get it done in March :-)

As you may have noticed this website is dedicated to a certain special lady (I realise it is only subtly referred to :-) ).  This year she gets to celebrate Mother’s Day for the first time as a mother herself.  No doubt she’ll be receiving two cards with suspiciously grown-up, yet child-like, handwriting from two boys that, let’s be honest, probably haven’t quite mastered the finer points of calligraphy.

With just two weeks to go do you think you (yes, you) could come up with some suitably themed fan art to publish here on the day?

It’s been a while since we did fan art here and it would be a wonderful way to revisit it and celebrate a new occasion at the same time.  The KM UK Gallery, which includes an extensive fan art section, contains thousands of images you could use as a basis.

You can contact me via the normal methods or upload your works of art using the form below.

Thank you in advance.

Upload items one at time or Zip multiple files together. Please give your files unique names, preferably with your name/alias in them. Any questions, use the Contact form.

1 comment to Mother’s Day Fan Art?

  • Dianekmfan

    I can’t Because I won’t get to visit my dad (Unless they do the “bridges” at my school) and I can only do fanarts at his place. My own computer doesn’t work nor has the apps for that (photoshop etc) ;( ;( otherwise I would have helped.

    Then Mother’s Day is painful to me since I can’t celebrate it anymore. Which of course hopefully doesn’t mean other people can’t! But every year reminds-and Will remind me- of it.

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