This one
won’t shouldn’t show up my limited foreign language skills, unlike the last one
In a late night (for those of us this side of ‘the pond’) Tweet the writer/director/producer of the intriguing short film The Coin let it be known that his film will be screened at the Cleveland International Film Festival (CIFF) in March. That’s Cleveland, Ohio in the USA.
Speaking of ‘ponds’ (it will become painfully clear in a moment) this, the 38th running of the CIFF, will open with a gala screening (i.e. expensive cinema ticket + after party) of British film Not Another Happy Ending. The romcom stars leggy, red-headed ex-Doctor Who assistant Karen Gillan. Still not with me on the ‘pond’ thing? Karen played Amy Pond in Doctor Who.
The Coin, which stars Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future) and Kathryn, is scheduled to be shown three times over the course of the 12-day long festival, all in the early days. Starting on the second day (2:15pm, Thursday, 20th March) as part of the ‘Shorts Program 4’, a 90 minute screening with 5 other films. That is then repeated on the Friday a little later in the day (5:10pm).
On the Saturday (22nd March) The Coin is shown again, this time alongside 6 other films as part of the ‘Hollywood Shorts Program’ at the Hanna Theatre at 2:30pm.
Check the CIFF website for all the ‘when, where, why and how?’ details. If you are able to attend the event let us know how it goes.
Congrats to all involved in The Coin on being selected again and thanks to Fabien for letting us know.
Update: A second showing of the ‘Hollywood Shorts Program’ has been added on the Sunday (23rd) morning at 9:20am.
hmm, Richie, better get us some new pics of our gorgeous girl(without you-know-who.) please, it’s my birthday soon 😉 😛
just over 6 months 😛 lol
Kathryn <3
amei: You know that if I could do that for you I would… in 6 months
I am kinda getting mad about her& what this $@$#$&^^&* did to her!!! **************!!!!! she was fine& she was private person but she always cared about her fans!! now, bcuz of u-know-who she has changed for worse. my poor girl<3 I hope she's strong and she'll win over him.