Someone in LA got a few bucks for babysitting last night (29 October 2013) because Kathryn and Johnny were out at a public event for the first time (that we know of) since the birth of their twin sons in August. They tore themselves aware from childcare duties to attend the launch party for a new book about the prolific film and television producer Jerry Bruckheimer.
The tome, Jerry Bruckheimer: When Lightning Strikes – Four Decades Of Filmmaking, covers Bruckheimer’s career from an early stint in advertising to producing some of the most successful movies and television shows in Hollywood history. The Pirates Of The Caribbean films, the CSI TV shows, Top Gun, Bad Boys, The Amazing Race, Pearl Harbor, National Treasure, Coyote Ugly, Con Air etc. etc. etc. were produced by him. And Cold Case of course. Some of those big film series are getting further sequels in the coming years too.
Written by Michael Singer, a long time collaborator of Bruckheimers, with publicist credits in many of his productions, and with a foreword by Johnny Depp, the book is due for launch in the US at the end of December. It is listed on Amazon’s US website HERE (other book stores are available).
Amazon’s UK arm has it down for release in mid-December, as seen HERE. Suck on that America!
So far we only have 2 small photos of Kathryn at the book launch. Both have been added to the Gallery. I’ll endeavour to find larger versions and bring them to you.
Update (2 Nov): Both the photos have now been super-sized. Many thanks to the lovely Alexia from the lovely, which is all about the lovely actress Emilia Fox, and her lovely, yet nameless, friend for helping out with this. Lovely.
Kathryn<3333 #speechless
lovely to see Kathryn & Johnny
Well isn’t this just the sweetest. <3
Good to finnally hear from them! They’re both beautiful! I hope Johnny is gonna go back on twitter soon and they don’t Forget about us.
I agree dianekmfan
i hope he posts on instagram with updated photos of his twins