
August 2013
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Kari Orvik Photoshoot

kari_orvik_tintype_001kari_orvik_tintype_002It’s the mid-19th century and you’ve just developed a new, faster and cheaper method of taking photographs.  What else are you going to do but take photos of beautiful and talented ladies? :-)

Tintype changed photography by making the whole process from preparing the plate through to the producing the final photograph for a customer much quicker and more cheaply than previous techniques.  It brought portraiture to the masses.  You can read all about the Tintype over at Wikipedia here.

So what we have here must be images of a woman from the latter half of the 1800s that looks spookily like Kathryn Morris.

Or, they are new images created using exactly the same methods used back then, and the results photographed using modern top end, high resolution digital cameras.  More November 2012 than 1912.  It’s probably that last one :-)  The photos certain create a very different and interesting look compared to most modern digital, and even pre-digital film cameras.  A fascinating view of Kathryn I’m sure you’ll agree.

kari_orvik_tintype_003kari_orvik_tintype_004Clearly they are 4 more in the set that included the image used by the Silver Lake Juice bar to illustrate the testimonial given by Kathryn, as I reported on back in February.  Hasn’t the year gone by quickly?

The photographer is Kari Orvik, a Canadian living and working in San Francisco, who specialises in Tintypes.  She works with the the Photobooth SF company supplying Tintype photos for events.  You can see more of Kari’s work on her website.

You probably saw versions of these photos on the newly populated Official KM website, after I posted about it yesterday.  Today we have added 4 large images to the KM UK Gallery.

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