We thought it was completely dead and buried. Never to be seen or heard of again. But no! It takes one final dying breath. One last blip on the ECG before flat-lining.
After failing to be picked up to series it was likely that the Surgeon General pilot would remain locked up in the deepest of CBS’s vaults “on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet, stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard’” (points for getting that reference) and forgotten about forever. Luckily for us PR and marketing company The Cimarron Group had other ideas.
Last Friday, for reasons unknown, Cimarron announced to the world that the show was “coming this fall to CBS”. They are wrong about that, it won’t. However, they were kind enough to post a “sizzle reel” promotional video to go with it. The promo would have been used at the Upfront events if Surgeon General ever got that far. Which it didn’t.
In the video we get to see all the major cast (“Hello to” Jason Issacs, Mike Colter, Beth Riesgraf, Paul McCrane, Anna Deavere Smith, Clancy Brown and Katherine McNamara) including Kathryn, who features prominently in several scenes. Sean Astin is notable by his absence though.
Just to reiterate: this does not mean the show will be made or that the pilot will ever be broadcast.
A set of screencaps and a small copy of the video are now in the Gallery for your viewing pleasure.
As is so often the case we must offer our huge thanks to Kareen_T for passing this along.
is a shame that the show did not come to its retrieval that looks promising …. kath and this beautiful as always ^ ^ thanks for the info!
i hope it comes to the uk soon
I was looking at KM’s tummy and i could see she was showing a bit 
im sure she said in an interview in june thats she had started to show during the pilot so she had to hold ipads and boxes in front of her tummy as she hadnt told the world yet haha
You are right about the interview Abi. It was at the Plush event. You can see it here.
To answer your previous comment: The show will not be coming to the UK, the US, or anywhere. It is not being made. They made a pilot and the network (CBS) decided not to continue with it. I tried to make that clear above. Why this video has been released is not known.
Can’t believe there’s not even a glimpse of Sean Astin. :-((((((
oh sorry rich, i misread it. mind you i had just woken up lol
It’s OK. I’d only just woken up, and earlier than normal at that, when I wrote most of it so coherence wasn’t guaranteed
Ohemgee she looks perfect here.
rich can i ask when did you became a fan of km? it was cold case for me
Well, when Cold Case started in 2003 he saw a pretty blonde lady, Kathryn, but forgot to watch it and later he saw an episode and got to like her and then he came for the idea for this site, I guess, and the first episode, Look Again, did he watched years later.
You’re welcome 😉
Give or take a few steps and facts Kathy is correct.
Bhaha, I was right!!!
correction Kathy a beautiful blonde lady called Kathryn:D i was just watching the interview from june 24th where KM has a black and white dress on and the interviewer asks when are they due and KM says two months which would make the boys due in august. and Johnny did say on july 4th that there was 6 weeks and 5 days to go. so they’re due in august not September?
Making a point Abi: beautiful and pretty is the same 😉
They need to be born on my birthday!
ive just looked at my instagram and look at his answer.
very interesting huh?
Hm, okay.
I don’t follow him anymore since he reported me by the police so I don’t folow the news from himself anymore.
Which is your Instagram? You look very nice to talk to, follow me if you want, I don’t care that my name is here then. I’m PinkPistol_14, leave a comment and I will reply you.
Only if you want, okay?
why did he report you? sorry thats none of my business :-/
Goshhh. Kathryn is sooo cute&hot. 8 more hours at work. Thinking about her goonna help. 😉
I hate this didn’t get picked up. It looks really good. I love medical dramas and I want to know what happened with the infected meat!
@Abi: Can you contact me on Instagram, if you want. I will tell you. PinkPistol_14
@Abi: or maybe le RichE will send you my email adress. If you want.
I like to have contact with other KM fans.