
June 2013
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Name That Baby… And The Other One

plush_show_2013_007Normally I wouldn’t post something like this here on KM UK.  It’s basically site policy that I don’t.  But as Kathryn (sort of) asked I have to.  How could I not.

This site is about Kathryn’s career and public life, not her private life.  We stay clear of gossipy speculation about such things.  Posts about her pregnancy have been confined to the official announcement and the recent public appearance, which was very much a baby related event.

However, in the video interview from the Plush 2013 red carpet the subject of baby names was raised.  Kathryn’s response was, and I quote, “we’ve narrowed it down” and “we’re still open to a few more suggestions.

Never one to shirk from a challenge so far I’ve come up with:  Johnny Jr. and RichE Jr.  Not sure either of those is going to fly :-)  You can definitely do better.

Things to keep in mind are the fact that they are boys, twins and their last name will likely be Messner.  In England it is not a requirement that a child be given the last name of either parent.  A child can be registered with any name.  Despite that, it is tradition that a family name, normally from the father’s side, is used and I assume it is the same in America.

I’m sure that the parents-to-be have been through many options but maybe you can come up with a good one they haven’t thought of.  Who knows, perhaps we’ll be able to show them your ideas for inspiration.

Can you suggest a name or two?  Leave a comment.

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