
June 2013
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Kathryn @ Plush Show 2013 – Update x3

plush_show_2013_017Kathryn and her two little friends, or maybe that should be her two larger than normal friends 😮 , were at an event showcasing baby and toddler related products yesterday (9th June 2013).

The Plush Show 2013 ran over the weekend at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza with sellers showing pushchairs/strollers, cots and no doubt everything else you could possibly need for a baby or two.

For now we just have a number of preview images in the Gallery.  Larger and less preview-y images will be added when we get them.

Update (10 June 2013):  A whole raft of additional and replacement images have been added and… errr… replaced.  Number 17 (the one in the banner above) is a significant enlargement on the previous version, which seems appropriate :-)

Update (11 June 2013):  Maximo TV has posted a video of an interview with Kathryn at this event.  You can see it HERE on YouTube.  Kathryn talks about her pregnancy and, in amongst a few awkward pauses, mentions the not picked up Surgeon General pilot and having a several “irons in the fire” for future projects once things have settled down with the babies.  A small copy of the video and HD (720p) screencaps from it are now in

Update (13 June 2013):  To help some of non-English speakers a transcript of the interview in the video has been added to the description text that accompanies the video in the Gallery.

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49 comments to Kathryn @ Plush Show 2013 – Update x3

  • Dianekmfan

    Her belly isn’t that big, I mean she’s expecting twins, I thought it would be even bigger. Well she looks Happy.

  • Mary Mikesell

    Kathryn’s twins are due @mid August. It does not appear Kathryn has put on much weight. Kathryn’s boyfriend, Johnny Messner, may appear to be a nice guy on twitter. I can say one thing Johnny is not very nice to me on twitter. Johnny ignores any comment I make but praises most other comments that other people make. Johnny is great yesterday afternoon when he told this one French girl that she is great because God made her for who she is. The French girl was sad because of family problems and weight problems. I know the reason Johnny ignores me but I believe it is not a good reason for him to do so. I am not a monster that he probably is making out to be or this noisy individual who wants something for nothing. Johnny is this “Boy next door” kind of guy. Kathryn is probably this “Girl next door” kind of person. In these photos Kathryn is not trying to impress people like other famous people do. I just wish I can fix things with Johnny on twitter but he is not listening to me at all. On twitter I know Johnny’s dark side.

  • Dianekmfan

    1) I’m the french girl
    2) I thought the babies were due for september, isn’t that what they said ? Well I know when he says two months away you could think august.
    3) Why would he ignore you ?

  • Mary Mikesell

    Dianekmfan: I hope I didn’t embarrass you by mentioning some of your story. I was stating that Johnny is very nice to most people (99%) on twitter.
    In the middle of last month Johnny said that Kathryn was 6 months pregnant. It is almost the middle of June and that makes Kathryn 7 months pregnant.
    It is a long story why Johnny is ignoring me. I asked him a question about something that was in no way offensive. I felt that there was no reason for Johnny to ignore me. I guess I give off bad vibes or something!
    Did you ever see my tweets that I posted yesterday?

  • Dianekmfan

    No I didn’t, your tweets are protected so I can’t read them. I followed u, follow me and we can dm.
    You didn’t embarass me. He was very Nice to me.

  • Mary Mikesell

    RichE: Johnny completely ignores me!

  • amei

    I am crying now. If I didn’t have to work today(and tomorrow &.. etc), I’d go to kill myself. I am so fucking unhappy. My life just plain sucks. :(:( Kathryn<3333 I am still in love with you!!! & nothing will change it!!

  • Mary Mikesell

    Amei: May I ask are you a man or woman?

  • Michelle

    I gotta stop reading the comment section!

    • Julie

      Dito. That goes beyond being a fan…

    • It’s a jungle out there.

      • amei

        @Mary Mikesell, @Michelle, @Julie, @Gina,

        are u all really that happy for them??? or u just don’t know what to say??
        & If u have never loved anyone so much, u have no right to judge me!


        I do love her& u just don’t understand…:(:(

        • If you are actually as in love with her as you say, why wouldn’t you be happy for her? She’s clearly very happy and excited about having these twins with Johnny.

          • Julie

            I totally agree with Gina.
            Sorry, but how can you love someone you don’t even know personally? You just get a picture of her according to her public experience, that is not exactly how she is! You never know what is real and what is not. She doesn’t give a damn if any little girl in the world doesn’t appreciate her relationship or her pregnancy.
            Honestly, you should stop fixating yourself on her that much, that just can’t be healthy…

          • amei

            well, it’s not like I don’t want her to be happy!! just tell me, how can I be happy for her if I want to cry when I see all the pics??


            I am not a little girl!! I am almost 21. & yeah, I ask myself so many times, how is it possible that I love her, without knowing her? & I am suffering from depression so I have bad moments too. & I have suicidal thoughts all the time. I’ve had them since 2008.
            So don;t judge me& just leave me alone. My life is not a fairytale. :(

  • @Mary: Amei is a female.

    Johnny is absolutely NOT nice to me on Twitter that’s why I unfollowed him but to Diane he is really nice.

    I don’t have a good feeling by him but yeah.

    About Kathryn: she changed… She’s not that beautiful anymore… Sorry.

  • desy

    pregnant is logical that this different XD! but I see very very well, so I’m glad to see it a lot, is very very beautiful my girl!

  • aw! Kathryn looks so beautiful and cute. She gained weight, but not that much. I am so excited about her pregnancy. I can’t wait to see the babies!

    And well… What really matter is: she seems happy with her life, Johnny and the babies.

  • desy

    +10 karen! what matters is that she is happy with that I am content.

  • @Amei: please stop being that dramatic, you are killing yourself inside (I know you will answer: ‘but I’m already dead’) but it’s not necesarry.
    Focus on the good things in life.

    Or ask Jesus to take the wheel. He did it for me.

  • Dianekmfan

    Kathy : You were not that Nice to him on twitter recently.
    RichE : that’s too bad he didn’t answer you. I guess there may be a reason.

  • @Diane: whatever he never replies to his fans or what.

  • Not every celebrity has to reply to fans on Twitter. It’s really time-consuming. He has a life and he has twins to get ready for. He can’t be sitting on Twitter all day replying to people. I honestly don’t understand why people have any sort of problem with Johnny. He hasn’t done anything wrong.

  • Kassandra

    I completely agree with Gina. Honestly everyone should be thankful he even replies to some people on twitter. I am fans of people who NEVER reply to fans because they just get so many mentions that they would have to spend days answering them all. Not to mention the fact that the majority of people are greedy and get jealous, they will start tweeting them things like “why aren’t you replying to me” and stuff like that. It just pushes them away from wanting to interact. Stana Katic is one of them, people got so crazy and went too far, and now she rarely replies to people/tweets at all. So Johnny hasn’t done anything wrong, like Gina said, he is preparing for twins and he is probably actively working on projects. So he doesn’t have all the time in the world to be replying to people.

  • Mary Mikesell

    I am afraid I started this conversation last night. It is so crazy how people go nuts if a celebrity does or does not respond to a tweet. I agree some celebrities will “shut down” when fans go too far. Me wanting Johnny’s attention is a bit different and it is not the same you guys. It is not something I do prefer to go into.
    I learnt something today if you privatize your tweets and the other person does not follow you. The person not follow you will not be able to read your tweets nor respond back to you.

  • Amei: stop being dramatic.
    Just be happy, if Kathryn is happy with everything, and Johnny too, then it’s good.

    End of the conversation for me.

    • amei

      I’ve been in love with her for almost 6 years!! U don’t have to understand. & I am not being dramatic, I am just soo unhappy& upset & I want to cry most of the time. :(:( I love her!! Kill me for this reason! I know that I might sound pathetic, but I don’t care. I am still in love with her. Kathryn<33333 End of the story.

  • Dianekmfan

    I agree with Kassandra and Gina. Some just don’t have the time to answer. Or some fans go crazy and they get more distant. Many never answer.
    Johnny answered me several times, and I’m happy he did. And thankful.

  • Dianekmfan

    I watched the interview. She looks Happy. She’s So pretty ! And well no surprise : she wants to take care of her kids right now So working isn’t her priority. She says herself that The surgeon General wasn’t picked up.

  • @RichE: Why didn’t she said something about Alice, Sweet Alice?

  • Mary Mikesell

    I heard Kathryn’s interview and she sounded really good. Also Kathryn looks good. I can’t wait to see the babies and what their name are going to be.

  • Mary Mikesell

    I hope we can keep the comments going. I am surprised that we are still posting comments on this page.

  • Mary Mikesell

    RichE What do you mean by “Errr…” By the way are you a man or a woman.. I have been dying to know.

  • Mary Mikesell

    Rich E I always thought most Kathryn Morris fans are girls or women. So I guess I thought you were a woman or a girl.

  • desy

    I hate that the videos not have subtitles! I do not understand very well what they say XD! and to Spanish fans?… she is very very beautiful in the video, I’m saying the same she is perfect pregnant or no …that even still talk in this post XD! to continue so much more! take care of yourselves..!!!

  • desy

    looooll!!! you’re the best Riche!I am very very grateful

    • You are too quick for me! I was just about to post an update explaining what I’ve done.

      If anyone needs further explanation please do ask in a comment here.

  • desy

    I see kath from 10 years and now I have 21, and despite not speaking the same language. this woman breaks boundaries eh? His big smile ?^^
    We all agree on that ?

  • desy

    we agreed to post haha! riche so grateful as I really miss very very very very very happy thank you!

  • What the hell did I just read? LOL

    I like Johnny! He’s replied/favourited/RT’d me on Twitter, although he didn’t respond when I wanted to see a picture of Kathryn’s belly, which is fine and understandable- I respect their privacy. Kathryn looks happy and healthy and I’m happy for her and Johnny! Really wish I could send them a gift, but I don’t think they’re accepting any.

    • Like I said, it’s a jungle out there, haha. I love Johnny too! I think he’s a great guy. He loves Kathryn a lot and she clearly loves him. I’m so happy for them. I’d love to send a gift too, but yeah, I don’t think they’re accepting them. :(

  • Dianekmfan

    Thanks for the transcript! I’m able to understand what she says way better than I used to just two years ago, but there are still many things I can’t get because she speaks fast sometimes or bacause I’ve simply never heard the words before So I don’t understand them.
    So thanks to your transcript, I can understand what I didn’t and learn the words.

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