Coming Soon: A KM UK Exclusive!
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In the very near future we will be bringing a special exclusive to you. It will be a real treat for Kathryn’s fans everywhere.
No clues, but feel free to try bribery
Join us next week to find out what it is.
Let the speculation begin.
Look for the new post when the countdown expires.
Update: The post is HERE.
Oh God… Right. Maybe something about… The Coin? Or… I don’t know. Something related about any of Kathryn’s recent projects? A contest? A prize?
Come on, Riche. No clues? Give us something to work with. 😉
RichE, this is not funny.
Lucky for you I am not curious and forget this after 5 minutes.
One clue please!? haha I can not wait!!
I won’t be losing any sleep over,whatever it is!! Nice try tho’!
LOL, so true. I take a guess: it would be a new photo or another anniversary of this site.
Or this site will be deleted, bhahahaha.
I am dying to know!! Rich,you’ve got my mail!! can’t wait to hear from you!!
@Kathy: I would tell you but I know you’ll forget in 5 minutes
@amei: Yes, I have your email address. You’ll just have to wait like everyone else.
OK here is a clue: it involves Kathryn Morris
Hahaha, very funny RichE!
It must be something good like the last time, the photos with Kristen *-*
Hahaha, LOL. make it a good surprise then! I am starting to learn how to cook today!! for Kathryn!! LOL. My grandma is gonna die laughing!! Me& cooking. 23 hours&22 minutes to go. If I am lucky, I will be able to see the post before I start work!! or better no?? tell me, bcuz If this is something not nice, it’s not the best idea to read it before 9 hour shift!!
I’m dying to see the exclusive!