Here we have our first sign of Kathryn actually on the set of the Surgeon General pilot shoot.
As filming appears to have ended yesterday (2nd April 2013) after just over two weeks of work, it is a little sad that it has taken until right at the end of the process for it happen. We are, however, very grateful to Melissa Rutland (the lovely lady on the right) for the photo you see here. Kathryn looks very smart and business-like in her purple dress and the hair-do is a distinct improvement on recent showings. We approve
Melissa worked on the show as Kathryn’s stand-in during filming.
The photo is now in the Gallery.
Thank you Melisssa for allowing us to share the photo with you.
In additional Surgeon General news a couple more guest stars for the pilot were announced last week. Anna Deavere Smith (Nurse Jackie and The West Wing) will play the Vice President and Miguel Sandoval (Medium) will be a US Senator.
Oooooooh, I love that dress.
Me too Gina! She’s still as slim !
What’s a stand-in ?
A stand-in is a person that takes the place of a lead actor when a scene does not require the actor to be seen clearly. A bit like a stunt double but for less dangerous scenes. You only normally see the back of a stand-in, or they are filmed from a great distance so you can’t really recognise them.
A place you really need a stand-in is in a situation where the lead actor is playing two roles, like Sarah Michelle Gellar playing twins in Ringer.
Yes,that’s true RichE! Stand-Ins are also used, for the when they are setting up the lighting,such as key, back, side lighting of a actor,as well as,various camera angles… That way,the actors can study there lines or learn new ones,in the event any changes were made to the script the night b4,in the privacy,of their Motor Coach,until an assistant director comes to get them when there ready to shoot the scene they’ll be in!
Kathryn’s stand-in in Cold Case was Gina (not our Gina sady).
She is one of Kathryn’s good friends.
ok thanks ! Though they’re not the same height and don’t have the same hair lengh
couldn’t they find a prettier stand in?
You’re very welcome. We are the same height. Stand Ins don’t have to be an exact match. That’s what the doubles are for. She was still in wardrobe (heels), which made the height appear different. I was also standing in for Katherine McNamara, who was shorter, therefore I took the heels off for the following scenes. As far as finding a “prettier stand in”, lol…some things aren’t necessary to say. I’m blessed to work with a lot of beauties who aren’t catty in that sense.
Thank you for dropping by and giving us your insight Melissa, it is very much appreciated.
Thanks Melissa! I didn’t even think of heels, my bad.
You are indeed welcome, dear. My pleasure. And picture wrap for the pilot was yesterday.
We will know by the end of next month if its a go!
But we are all quite positive it will be loved. God bless you guys and thank you so much for the support. We had an amazing cast and crew. By far the most enjoyable production to work on.