
March 2013
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Surgeon General – Shifting Odds


Just last week we went over the obstacles that Surgeon General will have to overcome to be picked up to series for the autumn schedules in the US.

Two current shows that have been under question for renewal are The Mentalist and The Good Wife.  At that time it looked like just one of them would survive, with The Mentalist ahead by a nose.  Earlier this week the favour was thought to have shifted to The Good Wife.

Last night Deadline (and many others) reported the news that CBS had announced a raft of renewals across their comedy and drama shows.  Somewhat against expectation The Mentalist and The Good Wife can both breath a sigh of relief as the Sunday night pairing have got the nod for a further season.

As expected the likes of Elementary, NCIS:LA and Hawaii Five-O have been renewed.  A show missing from the list is Criminal Minds.  According to reports there are still significant negotiations continuing with the cast.  Criminal Minds has had a troubled past with the loss, and even re-instatement, of fan favourite cast members.  However, its prospects for return are considered good.

Vegas, widely thought to be a goner already, will be getting a sort of second chance in a few weeks with a return to the TV schedules in the difficult Friday night slot.  CSI: NY was also not mentioned, the odds are against it.

What all this does is remove a few possible openings in the schedules for Surgeon General with a couple of months still to go before we hear for certain.  Watch this space.

The pilot of Surgeon General is currently filming for the second week in Atlanta.  It will continue into next week.

Surgeon General is, not surprisingly, a drama based on the office of the Surgeon General. The role, often described as the “nation’s doctor”, deals with health issues affecting the population as a whole.  Kathryn plays Lydia Ferrari, Chief Of Staff to the SG.  See the previous post for more details.

4 comments to Surgeon General – Shifting Odds

    My niece would be so depressed. :(

  • Ok CBS. The Good Wife and Elementary are safe. Now, please, pick up The Surgeon General.

  • Finn

    Its always hard to break into a successful line-up,at best,I would be surprised to see. The Surgeon General given a chance much b4, the Spring of 2014!

    On the lighter side,I’m glad to see that CBS is giving the new show Vegas another shot! IMHO should Vegas,not catch on with the viewing audience,it will be the fault,of CBS programming! You can’t put a New Show,in a time slot & then constantly,preempt that show’s time slot with Special,as CBS did with Vegas!! I thought it was in a good slot,on Tuesday nights that it followed the NCIS’s shows!!

    I won’t be a bit surprised to see Vegas fail,being put in the kiss of death slot,known as Friday Night!!!

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