
January 2013
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Win A Sweeter Side Of Life DVD!

fabulousafter40_150x73The ladies at the Fabulous After 40 website are giving away a copy of the upcoming Hallmark Channel movie The Sweeter Side Of Life on DVD.

Poster 003This is not a normal commercial DVD but a “screener” disc to be delivered prior to the film airing on the 19th of January (two weeks from today).  The sort of thing the press might receive for review purposes.  If you win the “sweepstake” you could get to see the film before the première broadcast.  Exciting!

Plus, with the DVD will be a copy of the film’s co-writer/producer/director Michael Damian’s new single Rock My Heart, which will feature on the soundtrack of the film and probably the film’s soundtrack album.

All you need to do is visit the site, enter your name and email address, and click submit.  We should warn you that there does not appear to be any direct feedback that your submission has been accepted, it just sends you back to the site’s homepage.  You will receive a confirmation email though.  Entries must be in by 12 noon EST (Eastern Standard Time) on the 9th of January 2013.  That’s 5pm GMT on Tuesday.

Here’s a small timer showing the time left until the competition closes:


Note that the competition rules state that it is not open to anyone outside of North America.  Presumably this is due to an unwillingness to post internationally.  Perhaps some of our American and Canadian friends can volunteer to accept deliveries on behalf of those of us not in North America in the event of one of us foreigners winning.

Update (9 January 2013):  The competition is closed and the page is no longer available.

5 comments to Win A Sweeter Side Of Life DVD!

  • dianekmfan

    Done. And then I notice it’s not available outside america. If I ever win, maybe Finn you can send it to me if I send you the shipping money?

  • Sorry guys but I gonna win this.

    Don’t join you will lose, I already know. :-)

  • Gina

    I entered! 😀 I’m excited.

  • Finn

    Entered!! Of course,if they would allow for an international winner,I’d be more than happy to forward,it along to the winner!!

    It would be nice to know though,if a DVD,of The Sweeter Side of Life,will be available,in the future!!

    Good Luck,to Everyone!! I certainly hope that someone here,at KM UK Wins & not someone else just looking too expand their DVD collection,who isn’t a fan,of any of the people involved,in the making of this film!

    Good Luck,Again!

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