You’re probably bored of hearing this but it really is just a few hours to go until The Sweeter Side Of Life gets its first public airing on The Hallmark Channel in the US of A.
If you get a chance to watch it don’t forget to drop by and let us know what you think with a comment or two. There will be a follow-up post with a poll after the première. If you want to write a full review then please let us know so we can publish it here on KM UK.
You could also join the KM UK Chat page to live post about the film as it airs.
Countdown to the East coast and Central showing:
days 0 -438 -6 hours -1 -2 minutes 0 -4 seconds -2 -5 |
This is so not fair. The only thing I can do is cry. I want to see this movie so bad!!!