
May 2012
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3 Today!

Happy Birthday to us! Happy Birthday to us! Happy Birthday to us!

It was 9am (BST) on the 18th of May 2009 when a dark corner of the Internet got a little bit brighter.  Yes, KM UK has reached the grand old age of 3.

It’s been an interesting journey so far.  We started shortly before Cold Case was renewed for its 7th, and ultimately final season, which was not a given by any stretch of the imagination.  We’ve seen new film roles for Kathryn, neither of which hit the big screen.  One of which only only of sort made it to the small screen.  Production companies have come and gone.  And there has been a decreasing number of public appearances.  But we still have plenty to do here on KM UK and we hope you will join us.

We don’t often blow our own trumpets but it’s our party and we’ll cry if we want to.  Here are a few site stats to wow you with:

  • 554 articles posted (this is number 554), that’s equivalent to one every 2 days!
  • More then 3280 comments posted, an average of 6 per post
  • Hundreds of hits per day
  • Regular visitors from all over the world

And some numbers for the Gallery:

  • 45,000 images and it is growing all the time
  • Almost 900 albums
  • Over 520 registered users
  • 385,000 image hits
  • 815 votes cast
  • Top 100 most popular images have over 21,700 hits

Thank you to everyone, friends both old and new, that has contributed in the past 12 months to help make this site such a big success.  Thank you.

A quick word for the spammers of this world:  Try as your bots might none of the 33,500+ messages they have tried to post here these past 3 years have ever appeared on this site.  Not a single one  :-)

Anyone want cake?  Well get me some then :-)

4 comments to 3 Today!

  • Kathy

    Happy Birthday.

  • WOAH!

    Happy Birthday. HAHA

    Riche, congratulations. You’re so magnificent. Seriously. Thanks for every news that you’ve bring to all of us. I deeply appreciate it.


  • amei

    Happy Birthday!!! ;P and congrats!!

  • Finn

    RichE,Congrats on running a successful site,where others have failed,especially here in the have managed to keep those that come here updated as to Kathryn’s ongoings!

    Its hard to believe that Kathryn has somewhat disappeared from the acting community except for a few non-important roles in Cougars Inc.,Sunday’s Mother and we all know what happened with Moneyball,it appears that Kathryn is content in pursuing such avenue’s as being a producer and not in acting,for the time being.

    I only can hope that Kathryn doesn’t stay away from acting too much longer or it may be a long time before we see her in her own TV series or film!

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