It’s been nearly three years since BBC last broadcast the Steven Spielberg directed, Tom Cruise starring, sci-fi action film Minority Report. It formed the basis of this site’s first “Media Alert”, posts that notify UK readers of appearances of Kathryn work.
Normally the film appears on BBC 1, which would mean an HD broadcast for the first time, but this year it gets bumped over to BBC 2 and not simultaneously shown on BBC HD. Hang your head in shame Auntie
Oh well. BBC 2 this coming Friday (aka Good Friday), 6th of April 2012 at 11:15pm (11:40pm in Scotland). Full details can be found on the BBC website HERE. I understand that some of our neighbours on the continent may be able to see this as well
To mark the event I’ve added a large-sized still (show above) of Kathryn in the film to the Gallery.
Based on a Philip K Dick story and released in 2002, Minority Report is about John Anderson and his fight to prove his own innocence after being identified as a future killer by the Pre-Crimes Police squad he works for. Kathryn plays John’s estranged wife who he turns to for help. Kathryn’s role is relatively small, Samantha Morton takes the more prominent co-star role, but it is important, especially towards the end.
A countdown to the BBC 2 showing on Friday:
days 0 -464 -7 hours 0 -7 minutes -3 0 seconds 0 -5 |
It stands in my diary as important with pink marker, that mostly is for my tests…