The recent reveal of the possible official Twitter account for Kathryn have gave us a new photo of her we hadn’t seen before.
Leading the pack again, KM UK can bring you 4 large sized images from the same photoshoot. The one you’ve all seen and three new images . All of them fantastic! For now I am going to call them the Official KM Photoshoot.
Beyond the fact that the photoshoot appears to have taken place on the 16th of April 2010 little is known about it at this stage. However, that date ties in exactly with makeup artist Carlene K‘s Tweet from then about doing a photoshoot with Kathryn. You can read about that HERE. Looking at the comments posted by our readers at the time (and a few months later) Nscha in particular will be relieved finally see evidence of the shoot
The four new amazing photos can now be found in the Gallery.
WOW!! So overly photoshopped can’t they not photoshop everything. I mean it takes away from the orignal photo. It looks so unnatural, it’s completely airbrushed. Kathryn is naturally beautiful, they should show her as is without all the touching up.
Sorry for my rant, I just can see they added too much constrast into those photos; She’s pale skinned. don’t add so much…
Yes the photos are beautiful, no doubt about it. Of course being it was taken back in April of 2010, she was still filming the last episodes of CC ..
I’m no expert but to me the shots don’t look Photoshopped much at all. There may have been some tweaking of the colour balances but looking in detail you can see Kathryn’s skin clearly. There is not much makeup covering up, though I am not keen on the black eye-liner.
Ahhhhhh!!!!! I love this photoshoot so much. She looks so gorgeous, as always. 😀
I would kill for that dress. 😀
I will be fan-arting my heart away tonight. 
My favorite picture is the second in the album, it reminds me of Ke$ha for some reason.
Lolly- I must be getting old never heard of that person. those photos make Kathryn to appear as if she was in her thirties. At least they kept it classy; as Kathryn is
Ke$ha is a singer.
She has some of the catchiest songs I’ve ever heard. I’m obsessed, haha.
This is the picture of Ke$ha I thought of when I saw this photoshoot. It’s definitely the hair.
Hopefully that link works. I have my fingers crossed. Haha. 😀
I like the paradox of the pictures, too. She has wild hair, bold makeup, and her dress straps are falling down, but there’s definitely a latent classiness to it all.
Now that I’ve gone all English major on this photoshoot… :p
As a major English I approve
The link works, and if it hadn’t I’d have adjusted it to make sure it did.
@Lolly- I don’t think she looks anything like a pop star, to me all their music sounds alike, since everything is autotuned.. Kathryn dresses more classy that they do.. Even in this photoshoot, I’m Jealous I wish I could look Like Kathryn
The pose and the hair just reminded me of her, that’s all. Very Tik-Tok-esque.
@RichE- Fellow English major? 😀 I guess I’m a bit of a poser; I’m an English EDUCATION Major, but let’s face it: English Education is just an English Major with some Education classes peppered in.
More ‘major English fellow’, and this is before we get to the gorging over Xmas
You are right, I AM relieved the evidence showed up!
Yesterday I saw a new pic flashing by in your banner and kept refreshing the page because I couldn’t believe I saw it right the first time! And when it came up again (after hitting the refreshbutton some 30-ish times or so) I made a screencap of it and frantically searched the gallery for it because I couldn’t believe I didn’t remember that pic, whahaha!
I’m glad to see the real deal now! Beyond gorgeous!
Ah yes, one of my teaser images
The top banner image is randomly chosen from a collection, it doesn’t cycle through them in a fixed order.
Glad you all like them, they have certainly proved popular.