
September 2011
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Kathryn Misses The Cut – Update x2

This week a select few cinema goers in the United States have been treated to some early previews of Moneyball.

I have been in contact with a number of people lucky enough to get tickets to the special screenings.  Some of them have very kindly helped to answer the question all of us here have: is Kathryn in it?

We reported previously on comments from people that saw a pair of test screenings in March.  In the first the result seemed to be that Kathryn only had one scene, with Robin Wright (playing Billy Beane’s first wife) getting two.  The second audience research showing reduced those numbers by one each, removing Kathryn completely.

With just three weeks to go until the US release these new preview screenings will likely be of the final version.  There won’t be further revisions made.

So, what is the answer to our question?  Reports in so far are that something like the 2nd test screening version is the one that is being used for the release.  If that is the case it means that Kathryn is not in Moneyball.

That’s a great shame.  I’m sure the movie would have benefited from a bit more female involvement.

Thanks, amongst others, to Stacey, Dustin and Clarence for their help.

Update (2 Sept):  Sony Pictures have released the full credits for the film, just as they would appear at the end of the movie.  Kathryn is not listed, which puts an end to all the speculation and doubt.  Neither is Gregor Manns that Kathryn appeared to have filmed with.  Also, Moneyball has received a PG-13 rating for the US.

Update (4 Sept):  A page of the movie’s credits has been created, you can see it HERE.

9 comments to Kathryn Misses The Cut – Update x2

  • icywinter2

    Test screenings don’t mean anything, how were these research done? Many people don’t know who Kathryn is. I like to know how this was found out.

    Some of these reports turn out to be untrue, so it could be just another false report about the 2nd screening version that will be released.

    A lot of things such as this are made up and stated that they are reports but aren’t true. If it turns out to be true, It’s shame.

    Then again the movie probably will focus on the Pitt’s character and the storyline; not the sidelines; his character’s personal life.

    We’ll see on the 23rd what’s really true, when it’s released. It seems to me that Kathryn doesn’t have good luck with movies; as much as she’s talented; I personally think she’s more of a tv actress which isn’t bad. Some aren’t meant to do movies.

    Kathryn will always be my favorite actress :) I just hate seeing her get snubbed, it’s sad :(

    • These latest comments are from people that went to preview screenings, not the earlier test screenings that did see differences between them.

      Research? You mean my research before posting this? I was in contact with several people that went to preview screenings last night. These people were either aware who Kathryn is or knew that Billy Beane’s 2nd wife did not appear.

      The people I spoke to have no reason to make anything up.

  • icywinter2

    @Riche- I wasn’t talking about you, I was referring to the people who saw the test screenings. I wonder how many were there. Just curious, I’m not trying to be mean or insulting. Just my curiousity.

    It’s really a shame, I think it’s shame to have her scenes cut. Guess they weren’t revelvent. I wonder what Kathryn thinks about it, poor girl she tries so hard.

    Personally . Her movie career doesn’t seem to be really a good thing, she’s either snubbed, her scenes cut or in a low budget movie; that doesn’t do well in theaters.

    I’m not insulting her at all, I think she’s great. I feel sorry for her, that her talent isn’t being noticed :( It seems as if people seemed to apppreciate her when she was on tv; seeing her excellent acting ablibity’s.

    Whatever, I won’t be seeing Moneyball. That made a very bad choice in cutting her out :(

  • icywinter2

    I feel so sorry for her, the girl tries so hard. Why could they have just left her in??

  • Jose

    This is so bad. :(
    Maybe they include her scenes in the dvd (deleted scenes). But that’s not enough.
    BTW, do you have the credit list of Moneybal? Is there a link?
    I would like to see the credits order.

  • icywinter2

    Why did they keep Robin Wright’s scenes but not Kathryn’s? It’s still puzzling me, they both play Pitt’s character’s wives. They are important to the storyline. Is her character more important than Kathryn’s is?

    Kathryn is a much better actress than Wright is, by far :) Just really annoys me that she ended up not appearing in this movie:(

    I wonder if Kathryn will still show up for party which I saw that’s going to happen in LA on the 19th for the premiere. She should have gotten the credit that she deserved:( and to think that I was looking forward to see this not; not any more :(

    • As we’ve seen from the trailers the daughter character is featured quite prominently. Robin’s character, Billy’s first wife, is the girl’s mother so it makes sense that she appears. The fact that Billy is divorced might be come up but the fact that he’s re-married is not really important.

      Hopefully Kathryn will be getting an invite to the LA première and will RSVP.

  • Icywinter2

    We would all love to see newer pictures of her:) Kathryn is worth being invited

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