Several TV trailer videos for Moneyball have been released in recent days. One, known as Defy The Odds, might very well contain the first evidence of Kathryn starring in the movie.
Just for a bit of fun I’ve added a simple Yes/No poll below to see if you think it is Kathryn.
The video, now in the Gallery, contains a very brief shot of Brad and a mysterious blonde in what appears to be a restaurant. Brad speaks but we hear nothing from the woman and there are no other shots from the scene in the video. An HD screenshot from the video is in the Gallery.
Based on previous images we’ve seen of Kathryn on set it seems reasonable to jump to the conclusion that it is her. Robin Wright (as Billy Beane’s first wife Sharon) has straight hair and Kerris Dorsey (as his daughter Casey) has a shorter, darker style. The white and black top the lady above is wearing is even in keeping with some of those photos.
Of course, just because a shot is used in a trailer does not mean it will be in the film. Hopefully we will get more concrete information very soon.
We are only two weeks away from the movie’s world première at TIFF and a month away from the general release in north America.
Is it Kathryn?
Total Voters: 12 |

it’s Kathryn, the previous images showned their characters sitting in a diner together. It has to be her, I do disagree if she’s in the trailer she’s in the movie. It’s not uncommon to find tv trailer video that shows a scene from a movie.
If her scenes were cut they wouldn’t be showing it. Kathryn is in the movie, just probbaly not mentioned; because her scenes are insignificant to the movie.
I also think it’s Kathryn
But I agree. It doesn’t mean she’s in the movie. I’ve seen a lot of trailers that contain a lot of shots from scenes that aren’t in the movie. It’s the same with stills. Sometimes you see stills from a scene that’s not in the movie.
I don’t know. From the promotion I’m still thinking that Robin Wright is for about 1 or 2 minutes and that Kathryn is cut. Why? Because they don’t care about women in this film… The only relevant lady seems to be his annoying daughter.
Sorry but I cannot stand her in Brothers and sisters
I think it’s Kathryn, definitely! *—*
Gosh, now my Friday became better.
mine too, took mine mind off the impending hurricane.. Anything Kathryn related is a good thing
@Jose- I disgree about what you said about women in this film. It’s not true, we don’t know if Kathryn’s scenes were cut. Until the film is release we won’t know.
The reason if it is, it’s due to the storyline to have to focus be solely on that. The storyline is more important than the sidelines, Pitt’s characters’s home life..
Hi icywinter.
I hope you are right. I really want to see Kathryn and Robin having her time and development in Moneyball.
But I said that based on test screening I read the impressions.
I hope the final product doesn’t cut Kathryn and gives Robin more than 1 or 2 minutes. I guess we will know once the movie premieres in Toronto.
They don’t do more changes after it premieres in a festival, right?
Anyway, sometimes one reads thing I cannot understand. I don’t know if it’s the language or what. For example this was from a recent interview from Robin Wright. This is an excerpt:
Lighter fare is Bennett Miller’s “Moneyball” with Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill. “I play the ex-wife of Philip Seymour Hoffman,” she revealed. “We have a child together. I’m married to Spike Jonze. I only have two scenes in the movie but they’re hysterically funny.
I mean… married to Philip Seymour Hoffman???? Hysterically funny???? I was WTF?
@Jose- They can make adjustments to the movie even after the premire at the festival since the movie isn’t due out until the 23rd of september. There hasn’t even been a rating on the movie yet.
Robin wright was just teasing, actors/actresses often tease during the interview. In this movie she plays Pitt’s 1st wife and has a child with him. She is talking about her character not about herself.
Moneyball official site has been updated. No sign of Kathryn yet.
@Jose- it’s been up for awhile now, not too much of anything on there except the date of when it goes to theaters. All the casting listings on every movie site include her name:)
You mean this site Icywinter2? Becuase now it has an extense gallery, some wallpapers,and a section of casting (but they only put 6 actors)
@Jose- I’m sure Kathryn will be added, if you go to sites such as yahoo movies, and others her name is listed among the credits. Just because her name isn’t on the site doesn’t mean anything.
Kathryn’s name wasn’t listed on poster for Minority report, but she was in it.
Until September 23rd which is when it premires here in the US we won’t know for sure….. Let’s just hope
she might just have a small role. The premire party is on the 19th of september in LA; a few days before the actual release of the movie.