Some times dreams do come true 😛
Yet again I find myself humbled by the generosity of KM UK readers. The time and effort you put in to help me and my little website is amazing. Kathryn is very lucky to have such wonderful fans.
Thank you to IcyWinter (it was her idea), Smallbarbie (the amazing image above) and Lolly (…hello) for the great new Wallpapers and Banners at such short notice.
Oh yes, and Happy 4th of July to our American cousins, especially Kathryn
@smallbarbie- I love the above image that you did, how did make that? —it’s second layer (Kathryn’s ‘dress’) –it’s first layer
I added text ‘Happy 4th of July’ and I did Kathryn’s dress by copy/paste
Ahhh! Everything looks so good! Awesome job, guys!!! 😀
Oh, and hello to you too, RichE! 😀
I’d added a bracketed comment for the others and felt I should do the same for you but couldn’t think of anything more specific
Well thanks! 😀 I enjoy bracketed comments. 😀
@smallbarbie- I meant what program. I’ve seen brushes similiar to what you used.
Happy 4th of July everyone!!
/Photofiltre 6.5.2
Is photofilter free? I have photoshop CS5??
I downloaded it earlier, it’s free.
It’s pretty awesome, too! 😀
I’m sure that Photoshop CS5 is capable of the same things as Photofiltre, probably more.
I posted this comment previously about Photofiltre:
I think is where to find Photofiltre Studio X: Photofiltre Studio website
There appears to be an older version which is free for personal use on another site: Photofiltre website