The Tumblr website Texts From Castle takes bizarre mobilephone text messages from the Texts From Last Night and applies them as funny captions to images from the fantastic TV show Castle.
Inspired by this Lolly (aka Gina), funny girl and KM UK regular, has set up a Tumblr site of her own called Texts From Cold Case. Of course now the text messages are applied as captions to pictures from Cold Case.
I’m sure that if you feel inspired to make a contribution of your own Lolly would be happy to accept submissions. Contact her via Tumblr. If you are looking for art work to use then I think you probably already know where to go to find the biggest and best collection of Cold Case images there is… Wait! Where you going? I meant here in the KM UK Gallery
A link to the Texts From Cold Case site has been added to the KM Websites list on the right-hand side of this site.
Aw, thanks so much for posting it on the site! 😀 I’m really excited about this site. 😀 And submissions are more than welcome! 😀 (I can’t always be that funny on my own. 😛 )
Just a bit of a site update here- I’ve changed the theme and added an “ask” feature. To submit a post, just email me. (I have my email on the site.)
Is it like captioning the image? I didn’t get what the caption above meant. I guess I’m old
It is not like captioning the image, it is captioning the image
This is different from the norm of having an image and coming up with a caption for it though. Here you take a caption from the “Texts From Last Night” site and then apply it to an image. Whether the image or the caption comes first might very.
Lolly, you might want to include a working link to the TFLN site on your page.
Basically, you find one of the texts from and find an image from Cold Case that somewhat matches the text.
For example, a text like the one above referring to looking in the fridge matches with the picture of Lilly looking in the fridge.
I’ll definitely add the link as soon as I get home tomorrow!
I think there should be something that allows to people to generate their own texts. I actually dont’ get the above caption. I guess one has to be a teenager to understand, no offense. I do have some whitty, funny texts that would match the photo.
I guess you would have to understand the premises of Texts From Last Night first.
Texts From Last Night is a website where you can submit funny texts you’ve received. The texts are about “last night”- most are referring to a party where something ridiculous happened, a night someone spent alone, or something of the sort. It’s a little hard to explain, I suppose you would have to read the site a little more. What I’ve been doing is finding a text that I find really funny, and then try to find a Cold Case screencap to match.
For example, I found a text a few days ago that said “I think I’ve officially made out with the entire Starbucks staff”. I grabbed a screencap of Lilly drinking her Triple Americano and made a picture.
The humor is that it’s not something that would match the characters on the show. Obviously, Lilly wouldn’t be the type to make out with the entire Starbucks staff, but the image somewhat matches the picture.
I hope that helped. 😀
@Lolly- Thanks for clearing it up, but I don’t think I’ll participate. I guess I don’t get the humor that’s involved. That’s just me of course
I’ll still check out your page