Exactly which day is the first of summer in the UK seems to be the cause of some debate. It could have already past. Or not be due for a few weeks. Whatever. Here at KM UK we are declaring that today is the first day of our summer and that means the return of our Summer Of HD.
Starting next week we’ll be expanding the Gallery with new HD screencaps. This year our main focus is another season of Cold Case with all new exclusive full HD 1080p screencaps from most of the episodes. But which season will it be? You’ll have to wait and see, but I will say that it is a great one for Lilly-caps, with Kathryn looking amazing. Not that that narrows it down very much Also there will be promo videos for some of the episodes.
Plus, we’ll have updates to various movies, public appearances and photoshoots.
It’s going to be a long hot summer 😉
Can’t wait
Yay! 😀
Oh, and it’s DEFINITELY going to be a hot summer. It’s 90 degrees today, and it’s only May. :/
@Lolly- We’ve been having warm weather since February. Yet I live in the south so we get temperatures earlier
We should call this ” The Ultimate KMUK HD Summer”
It truely is a Kathryn Summer, we all can’t get enough of her
She does rock