Starting last Friday (6th May 2011) evening various events were due to happen in Miami, Florida to promote the release of Cougars, Inc. on DVD on the 10th of May. Catalina Rodriguez, Christian Murphy and Cary Alexander were there.
I’ve thrown together a quick list of the all the events that we know happened in Miami over the weekend as part of the promotional tour. PR people take note.
The events were:
give me Kathryn!! 😡
Nothing even happened, I had a feeling Kathryn wouldn’t be there. Why do they even still bother to tour, with all these problems? Tommorrow the release of the dvd just have a party in LA for it and be done…
No sense really, I like to really know why anyone would want to do a tour for a movie no one knows about…
Whoops, what I meant to say is that it’s disappointing to those who actually want to see this movie; dispite the bad storyline and the millions holes in the plot ( according to reviews on and other sites)
I just think whoever planned all these events should have really taken their time. I never saw one movie tour that had so many problems, that had to be cancelled. That’s a major problem not to mention a big expense.
It’s not like this movie is a blockbuster hit, it’s not. Most certainly it’s not meant for everyone to see it. Only a certain amount of people will like it. The reason why I am repeating it, is because it’s stupid. They announce the tours then it goes nowhere.
No one botheres to fix it or do something. Perhaps they should just cancel it, it would be a better thing than just keep on having the same problems day after after day.
Not everyone will be there, the cost of travel is expensive. I highly doubt that kathryn would do every stop. This included, why did they have Catalina do it instead of the rest, she’s younger.
They want to draw in the younger crowds to buy and see this movie, and using a 42 year old won’t bring in the age group that they want. Not that Kathryn’s old, she isn’t. In fact she looks like she’s in her mid 30’s.
You have the younger stars going you tend to get more people interested that would probably like it. Sales wise, perhaps Kathryn will just appear in the LA DVD premire party . She probably doesn’t feel it’s nessersary to attend these tours for a DVD movie.
No need, Kathryn does have her production company and could be possibly working on something that we’re not aware of.
Not everyone in the movie has to attend these movie tour, and it’s has nothing to do with her fans. Kathryn does love her fans, but she can’t be everywhere.
Tommorrow I’m sure that Kathryn will be at the LA DVD Premire of this movie. Since it’s being released here in the US !!
@smallbarbie: No! She’s mine
@Icywinter: LA DVD premiere? Where did you get that info from? And I think the reason for doing a tour for a movie no-one has heard is to let people know it exists. That’s the point of promotional events.
@Riche- I kind of figured they’ll will be one tomorrow, given the fact that it the dvd for the US will be released tommorrow. That’s all, I just think the promotional events weren’t organized properly.
I never saw such problems like this, I think whatever they do they can’t have the whole cast. I Do think they will use the younger actor/actresses to get people to see this movie.
I could be wrong that’s usually how it goes. Hopefully Kathryn does make an apperance, she’s worth it and it looks good for her career.
no way!! she’s mine!!!
@Smallbarbie- a bit overly obbessed aren’t you , just kidding
I think Kathryn knows just many fans adore her, even if she doesn’t attend any of these promotinal events. She’s still the best normal actress in Hollywood today…
Guys, stop fighting over Kathryn!
… We all know she’s mine. 😀
It’s amusing just how many people will fight over wanting Kathryn. Yet she is a really good role model, unlike a lot of these celebs out there.
At least Kathryn is Hollywood’s real lady