And now for something a little different.
In early December last year artist Lynne Schlumpf started a project to create 51 sketches, one for every year she’s “been allowed to be on this earth.” These drawings were to be created solely using applications for the iPhone.
Luckily for us Lynne decided to extend the project to cover a whole year (to become the 365 Days of iPhone Sketches) because on day 54, Thursday the 27th of January, seeing Kathryn on an episode of Cold Case inspired that day’s sketch (as seen on the right and in the Gallery).
“Was watching the show Cold Case and was thinking the woman who plays detective Lilly Rush has a really interesting face. Very pale with very blonde hair and sea blue eyes.” – Lynne
How do you create such images on a phone? Good question, and one I put to Lynne. Autodesk, best known for products like AutoCAD that cost thousands of Pounds/Dollars/Euros etc., have created some sophisticated apps for Apple’s iPhone, iPod touch and iPad range for next to, and including, nothing. Lynne uses their SketchBook Mobile app and is clearly enamoured with it. There is a limited feature free version, SketchBook MobileX, for those that want to try it out. Zen Brush by PSOFT also gets the thumbs up from Lynne.
Lynne has kindly allowed me to add her work to the KM UK Gallery. You’ll find the full-sized version of the sketch in the Drawings area of the Fan Art gallery along with a couple more small items Lynne has created (thumbnails below). We may be seeing more of Lynne’s work here in the future.
You can read about Lynne’s 365 Days of iPhone Sketches project and see other images she has created on her blog Art Haunts Me Everywhere.
I’m very impressed with the two drawings below, very creative. The first one at the top, I think the artist overdid it with her lips but she’s very talented. There’s no doubt about it
I wish I had her talent of drawing, but I don’t.
Great job Lynne
You do have a lot of talent 
Hey thanks…I do admit I overdo faces a bit. I’m a bit of a caricature artist and bend a little towards cartoonish faces. Thanks for your compliments. I am humbled.
@Lynne Schlumpf- I do wish I had your talent, did you ever try to send one of your drawings to Kathryn? I think she’d really like that
No, I had not thought about it. Don’t really know where I would send it.

Thanks again for being so kind.
Warm regards,