Today’s the day. The 28th of January 2011 is Kathryn’s 42nd birthday.
Kathryn, happy birthday from everyone here at KM UK. Have a wonderful day, we hope it marks the beginning of great year for you. We send our very best wishes. If you happen to read this please let us know.
Dear readers, please feel free to leave your birthday greetings for Kathryn in the comments.
I don’t want to take anything away from Kathryn on this special day but KM UK is celebrating something of an anniversary of its own today: the triple century. Yes, this is the 300th post!
Updated: new banner image by smallbarbie.
Dear Kathryn Morris!
I wish you a Happy Birthday! Wish you a lot of love, joy, fun, health and that all of yours dreams should come true.
Spend this day with people you love and forget about everything you worry about. This is your day and just celebrate this!
Loves a lot <3
Ever wonder if Kathryn herself actually sees this, I hope she does
Happy 42nd birthday Kathryn
Happy Birthday Kathryn
Have a special day with your friends and family.
Happy Birthday Kathryn <3<3<3 Hope you will enjoy that day 😀
Happy Birthday Kathryn!. May your dreams come true (even those most secret ones :))
Happy Birthday, Kathryn!
Happy Birthday Kathryn!
Happy (belated) Birthday Kathy!!! I hope you had a wonderful day!!!
I’m here just because I love so much this person: KATHRYN MORRIS! I met her on Cold Case on January, 2010.. it’s recently, yeah! but I feel like old fan. I’m brazilian and I am studying English, that’s why I don’t write very well (I’m so sorry for this), but I am here also for wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY and all World’ s happyness!!! I love K.M.!!
Thank you for all her fans (like I am…
@Dominique Cast- Do you mean by met her in person or met her like in discovered her on Cold Case. I’m just a bit confused.
I believe that Dominique means she first saw Kathryn on Cold Case just last year but has become a big fan in the short time since.
I have contacted Dominique to clarify. I jumped to the wrong conclusion myself having misread her comment. I wouldn’t want her to think her English is not good, because it is, it was me not thinking it through fully.