
January 2011
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Birthday Fan Art + Video Project

We are rapidly approaching the special day of a certain special lady.  Yes, Kathryn’s birthday is just a few weeks away (28 Jan).  Wouldn’t it be great to celebrate the event with some new birthday themed fan art to go with our best wishes?

You can contact me directly by email or via the contact form for any submissions.  There will be a posting here on the day itself using one of the images as a banner for anyone to post happy birthday messages for Kathryn.

Karen's Birthday Project imageNow on to a request from a regular contributor to KM UK.  Karen (@Kareen_T) s working on a related project and has asked if the readers of KM UK readers would be willing to help.  We’d be honoured Karen.

Karen is working on a video to celebrate Kathryn’s birthday and would like photos to include in it.  She has created a lovely image giving all the details.  You can see it on the right.  Click to view it in full.  I have included a copy of the text below.

Kathryn Morris (Happy Birthday – Project)

Finally it’s January! And in a few weeks our beloved Kathryn Morris will complete another year of life. The day is approaching.  We could do something no?  The idea is simple: make a video as a “gift”.  So, a few recommendations…

  1. Take a picture with a label (or something like that) says “Happy Birthday” (or whatever you want).
  2. The message on the label must be written in English.
  3. Send your photo to email:
  4. The deadline of submission of photos is up to Jan. 25.
  5. Put your name, twitter… Something that identifies you.

Any questions can be taken by my twitter: @Kareen_T, or by email:

I still do not know how we can get this video to Kathryn… If anyone has any suggestions, let me know.  I have to have a minimum 20 pictures to the video.

I count on you guys.

Great idea Karen!

As a final thought we mustn’t forget that Valentine’s Day is just a couple of weeks after that…  Last year zoé (of ColdCasePedia) did an amazing job for me putting together some fantastic banners on very short notice.  I’ll add those to the fan art gallery at the appropriate time.

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