According to Kathryn in an interview she did at the Environmental Media Association Awards, the movie Moneyball is due for release in September 2011.
That seems like a long way off for such a movie, one that doesn’t require huge amounts of post-production. I’ve seen it suggested that a good time to release the movie would be just before the beginning of the next baseball season. I don’t know when that is exactly, but I’d assume some time in the spring.
The video was added to the earlier EMAA post and can be found in the Gallery here. It’s the 2nd interview video.
Baseball starts in the spring, American Football starts in the fall. Yet, it does seem to be a huge stretch for a movie to come out that late. Hopefully it will get good reviews, of course I hope they do mention just how great Kathryn’s acting is
“Co-production with Eva Longoria”(she forget “Parker” but I forgive her
) Is she talking about Desperate Housewives ? Or I heard a wrong thing ?
I think Kathryn meant that she and Eva are creating a new show together, not Desperate Housewives.
Whoahh that could be great !
Remember that Kathryn was only talking about producing the show with Eva, not starring in it. Eva may not be in it either.
In the interview Kathryn seemed to be saying that she won’t be doing any TV acting for a while and will concentrate on movie acting and TV show production.
I know about it but I really want to see what can she do in that kind of things(producer)That would be nice.But In a way I really want to see her in a new TV show :/
Sorry. You appeared to be way too happy about a show that Kathryn will not be in.
That’s bad I was hoping she’d return to TV acting, hopefully her next movie will land her in the lead role. If she does produce a tv show, I hope it’s not reality which seem to be getting more throughly annoying. We need more regular written TV series.
Hopefully that will be the case. I would still love to her return to TV and star on a show again..
Well, we can create a TV show (people from KM_UK) send and ask her if she wants to starring in it *dream*
Something sci-fi, paranormal stuff no aliens. Crime Drama or just regualar drama. Kathryn’s whole career is drama, I don’t see her doing comedy because it’s much harder to act it out that to just act funny. If your used to doing Drama you tend to stick with it.
Although I think Kathryn would appreciate this, I don’t think she’d take our suggestions. She’s more of doing what feels right to her, which is a good thing. At least she’s a celebrity that can think for herself.
Moneyball had a huge budget, which is a great. Hopefully it be a box office success.