
October 2010
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KM & Cold Case In Télé Loisirs October 2010

coverAs mentioned in passing yesterday (after delaying it by a few days already because of other news items) we return to our French TV magazine theme with another set of scans, a transcript and a translation. This time it is Télé Loisirs.  The article covers both the return of Cold Case to French television screens and the daft tabloid story about Kathryn and Brad.

Large-sized scans of the cover and inside pages can now be found in the Gallery.  The transcript and translation are after the jump.

Thanks to Rusher again for this one.

Kathryn Morris

A-t-elle fait craquer Brad Pitt?

À l’affiche d’un même film dans lequel ils jouent un couple fusionnel, les deux acteurs seraient, selon la presse américaine, tombés amoureux l’un de l’autre. Et, folle de rage, Angelina Jolie réclamerait déjà des explications à son époux!

Par Hervé Tropéa, notre correspondant à Hollywood

C’est l’histoire d’une simple rumeur qui aurait pu tourner court… si elle n’avait pas concerné deux stars hollywoodiennes. Au mois de juillet, alors qu’ils partagent l’affiche de Moneyball, des bruits circulent sur les plateaux de tournage: Brad Pitt succomberait au charme de sa partenaire, Kathryn Morris, alias la blonde detective Lilly Rush de Cold Case. Dans le milieu du cinéma, on préfére en rire, même si cette supposée idylle a des airs de remake de comédie romantique: c’est en tournant, quelques années plus tôt, Mr. & Mrs. Smith avec Angelina Jolie que notre beau blond avait eu le coup de foudre pour cette derniére et avait, du même coup, lâché Jennifer Aniston. Nous n’en sommes pas là. N’empêche, la rumeur persiste et enfle durant tout l’été et un vent de folie souffle désormais audessus de la Cité des Anges.

Le 27 septembre, Kathryn et Brad sont apparus très proches, entre deux scènes, et la, tout le monde s’emballe. L’entourage ne rit plus mais commence à se poser sérieusement la question: ces deux-là seraient-ils en train de tomber amoureux? La rumeur qui secoue tout le pays seraitelle finalement bien fondée? Si les agents respectifs des deux stars refusent pour l’heure de faire un commentaire, les langues se délient lentement. Lentement mais sûrement. «Brad Pitt et Kathryn Morris sont si proches que tous les techniciens sont extrêmement mal à l’aise de les retrouver chaque jour sur le tournage du film, écrit le journaliste Tim Plant dans l’hebdomadaire américain Star. Non seulement leur complicité saute aux yeux, mais ils n’hésitent pas à passer de plus en plus de temps ensemble même quand ils ont terminé de tourner une scène.»

Selon un proche de l’acteur, Brad est en train de trouver en l’héroïne de Cold Case un juste équilibre entre Jennifer Aniston et Angelina Jolie. «Kathryn est simple et elle a les deux pieds sur terre, comme Jennifer, confie cet ami au National Enquirer. Mais elle est également trés indépendante et possède une forte personnalité, comme Angelina.»

Autre indice: alors que, jadis, elle n’hésitait pas à s’afficher régulièrement avec son petit ami, le producteur et réalisateur David Barrett, Kathryn Morris a décidé de s’éloigner de lui… Dans l’espoir de conquérir totalement le cœur du beau Brad?

«Un lundi matin, il faisait tellement chaud sur le tournage que Brad s’est mis torse nu, explique la journaliste américaine Heidi Parker du groupe de presse American Media. Kathryn s’est mise à soupirer et à lui dire qu’elle allait s’évanouir. Quand elle s’est rendue compte que des gens avaient entendu, elle a rapidement rétorqué qu’il s’agissait uniquement d’une boutade.»


Depuis quelques jours, l’ensemble des médias américains relaient la rumeur autour de cette possible love story. « Brad et sa partenaire Kathryn se désirent», ose titrer le magazine Star. «Angelina demande à Brad de rester loin de sa partenaire», écrit le National Enquirer. Et côté télévision, on s’en donne à cœur joie. Nombreux sont les présentateurs qui se demandent déjà si l’héroïne de Cold Case va vivre avec le séduisant acteur. Il faut dire que le couple Brad-Angelina semble battre de l’aile depuis un moment…

Ajoutons que les scènes du film ne sont pas faites pour arranger les choses. Moneyball est basé sur une histoire vraie, celle de la réussite de l’entraîneur des Oakland Athletics qui crée un club de baseball avec un budget limité en recrutant des joueurs via une analyse informatique sophistiquée. Tandis que Brad incarne l’entraîneur Billy Beane, Kathryn joue Tara Beane, la seconde épouse trés sexy de celui-ci. D’après des révélations sur le scénario, certaines répliques entre Kathryn et Brad sont assez évocatrices.

Les deux stars doivent tourner ensemble une scene torride…

«Je te veux et je te veux immédiatement», doit dire Pitt tandis que Morris est à moitié nue en portejarretelles. Les deux stars doivent même tourner ensemble une scène torride dans laquelle Brad doit se mettre a crier: «Je veux te faire l’amour sur une plage!»

On comprend mieux pourquoi Angelina a immédiatement exigé que Brad vienne la retrouver en Hongrie, où elle réalise son premier long-métrage, avec leurs six enfants. «Tu as intérèt à t’éloigner de cette fille, aurait hurlé, un brin hystérique, la belle Angelina à son époux. Cette histoire va mal se terminer!» Au vu de l’alchimie qui règne actuellement entre Kathryn Morris et Brad Pitt, nombreux sont ceux qui peinent aujourd’hui à la contredire.

Lilly Rush sur les traces de son passé

Affaire bientôt classée pour Cold Case? Dommage, car cette avant-dernière saison, que diffuse France 2, est de loin la meilleure!
Par Gwénola Trouillard

La saison dernière, la série avait échappé in extremis à l’annulation. Mais en mai dernier, CBS a décidé de ne pas la reconduire pour une huitième saison aux États-Unis, où les fans suivent les dernières enquêtes de Cold Case. En France, la saison 6, de très haute tenue, dévoile le passé de Lilly Rush (formidable Kathryn Morris).

On va découvrir notamment qui est son pére: on se souvient qu’il l’avait abandonnée au moment où sa mère sombrait dans l’alcool. La jeune femme va retrouver sa trace à Philadeiphie et tenter de reconstruire une relation avec lui. Ce père est le fil rouge de cette saison, où chaque épisode révéle un moment clé de l’enfance de Lilly Rush. On la voit également reprendre goût à la vie, grâce à sa romance avec Eddie Saccardo, flic aux stups.

Côté enquêtes, cette saison réserve des episodes forts émotionnellement, qui plongent le téléspectateur dans le Mississippi raciste où sévit le Ku Klux Klan, retracent l’odyssée des premiers pas sur la Lune à travers le regard d’un petit garçon, nous entraînent dans les coulisses de la télévision des années 70… À noter, le retour dans un rôle recurrent de Jonathan LaPaglia, le petit frère d’Anthony, le héros de FBI: portés disparus, la série qui avait été éliminée au profit de Cold case. L’équipe de production qui l’a casté ne manque pas d’humour!


Chaque épisode de Cold Case coûte environ 1,2 million de dollars. Un budget élevé qu’expliquent a reconstitution des époques explorées et une bande-son composée de chansons diffusées l’année où se déroule l’intrigue. Rien que des standards d’artistes renommés: Johnny Cash, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan… Les droits exorbitants empêchent l’exploitation de la série en DVD.

Kathryn Morris

Has she cracked Brad Pitt?

Playing a couple in a movie, the two actors, according to the Amercian papers, fell in love with each other. And mad with rage, Angelina Jolie was already calling for explanations from her husband!

By Hervé Tropéa, our correspondent in Hollywood

It’s a rumour that would have been shortlived… if it had not concerned two Hollywood stars. In July, when they were filming Moneyball together, rumours circulated on the movie set: Brad Pitt had succumb to the charms of his co-star, Kathryn Morris, a.k.a. the beautiful blonde detective Lilly Rush in Cold Case. In the movie business, we prefer to laugh, even if this supposed romance has the air of a romantic comedy remake: by looking just a few years earlier to the making of the movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith when Angelina Jolie and our beautiful blond (Brad Pitt) fell in love, Brad later divorcing the actress Jennifer Aniston. We’re not at that point. Still, the rumour persists and grows during the summer on a wind blowing madness over of the City of Angels.

September 27, Kathryn and Brad appeared very close between scenes, and everyone is getting carried away. The entourage stopped laughing and begin to seriously wonder: those two, would they be falling in love? Is the rumour that has rocked the country ultimately well-founded? If the agents of the two stars refuse to comment now, people will start to whisper it. Slowly but surely. “Brad Pitt and Kathryn Morris are so close that all technicians are extremely uncomfortable around them every day on the set of the film,” writes journalist Tim Plant in the U.S. weekly Star. “Not only as they act on set, but they do not mind spending more time together even when they have finished filming a scene.”

According to a source close to the actor, Brad clearly finds in the heroine of Cold Case the right balance between Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie. “Kathryn is uncomplicated and has both feet on firmly on the ground, like Jennifer”, says that friend to the National Enquirer. “But she is also very independent and has a strong personality, like Angelina.”

Another clue: whereas once she did not hesitate to appear regularly with her boyfriend, producer and director David Barrett, Kathryn Morris has decided to leave him … In the hope of conquering the whole heart of the beautiful Brad?

“One Monday morning he was so hot on the set that Brad top his top off,” says U.S. journalist Heidi Parker of American Media press group. Kathryn gasped and said she was going to faint. When she realized that people had heard, she quickly said that it was only a joke.”


In recent days, the U.S. media printed all the rumours around this possible love story. “Brad and costar Kathryn in lust!” dared claim the Star magazine. “Angelina rages at Brad stay away from co-star!”, wrote the National Enquirer. And on the television front, they are enjoying it greatly. Many hosts are already wondering if the heroine of Cold Case will move in with the seductive actor. It must be said that Brad and Angelina’s relationship has faltered for a moment…

Add to that the scenes of the film are not exactly made to help the situation.  Moneyball is based on the true story of a successful coach who creates the Oakland Athletics baseball team with a very  limited budget by recruiting players chosen via sophisticated computer analysis.  While Brad plays coach Billy Beane, Kathryn is Tara Beane, his very sexy second wife.  According to revelations from the script about the story, some scenes between Kathryn and Brad are quite provocative.

The two stars will appear together in a torrid scene …

“I want you and I want you right now”, while Pitt has to say that Morris is half naked in lingerie.  The two stars are even to be seen together a steamy scene in which Brad is to say: “I want to make love on a beach!”

Now one understands better why Angelina immediately demanded that Brad came back to Hungary, where she directed her first feature film, with their six children. “You better walk away from this girl, would have screamed, hysterically, the beautiful Angelina to her husband. This story will end badly.”  Given the prevailing chemistry between Brad Pitt and Kathryn Morris, many are now struggling to contradict it.

Lilly Rush in the footsteps of its past

Case closed soon for Cold Case? Too bad, because this penultimate season, that France 2 is showing, is by far the best!
By Gwénola Trouillard

Last season, the series had escaped a last minute cancellation. But last May, CBS decided not to renew for an eighth season in the United States, where fans follow the latest Cold Case investigations. In France, the 6th season premiere, reveals the past of Lilly Rush (the fantastic Kathryn Morris).

We will discover who her father is: we remember that he had abandoned her when her mother fell into alcoholism. The young woman is going to trace him in Philadeiphia and try to rebuild a relationship with him. The father is the theme of this season, as each episode reveals a key moment in the infancy of Lilly Rush. We also see she take interest in life, through her romance with Eddie Saccardo, the Narcotics cop.

Later investigations, subject to episodes this season strong emotionally, plunging the viewer into the Mississippi where there is the racist Ku Klux Klan, trace the odyssey of the first steps on the Moon through the eyes of a little boy, draw us into the backstage the TV of the 70s… Note the return in a recurring role of Jonathan LaPaglia, the younger brother of Anthony, the hero of Without a Trace, the series that had been eliminated in favor of Cold Case. The production team who cast him don’t lack in humor!


Each episode of Cold Case costs approximately $1.2million. The high budget is explained in the time periods explored and a soundtrack composed of songs released in the year where the plot unfolds. Nothing but he best of renowned artists: Johnny Cash, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan… The exorbitant fees prevent the release of the series on DVD.

9 comments to KM & Cold Case In Télé Loisirs October 2010

  • niiny

    Ok I’m going to the shop to see if I can find every magazine lol

  • Icywinter2

    This article is so fake that I’m laughing from the stupidity of it.

    Another tabloid crap story about Kathryn and Brad, I’m so sick of this. There is no sex scene with the two in the movie, can these people really move onto someone else. There is no chemistry and everyone knows that Brad Pitt won’t leave Angelina for Kathryn. That’s really enough with this, these people are liars they are just saying it’s in the script to get the attention. It was made up purposely, which just makes me roll my eyes.

    Angelina didn’t DIRECT BRAD TO HUNGARY, THAT WHOLE PART IS SO FICTIOUS! The filming for moneyball wrapped up a week before he joined Angelina there!! She never screamed at him with, Brad loves her and wouldn’t leave her and their kids.

    To say that their relationship will end badly, is sickening. That’s a nasty thing to say, about two people who clearly love each other!!!

    These people need to seriously get a life, before they get sued.

    • This story clearly bothers you a lot. We all know it is of limit accuracy, so why worry about it?

      To be clear, this is not “another tabloid” story, it’s the same tabloid story. They are reporting on the reporting.

      I think you may have mentioned this before so I will say what I probably said before:

      You do not know what scenes are in the movie. You don’t know how well Kathryn and Brad got on together. But Kathryn being Kathryn I’m sure they had good friendly relationship during the time they were working together. I think that Kathryn is someone that gets on well with most people she meets.

      • Icywinter2

        @RichE- Wasn’t there a site you had posted that debunked the sex scene?? I remember something on here.

        What I was angry about is that fact that turn it into something that it’s not. I’m fine with Kathryn getting along with Brad, but not in the that way they said.

        Sorry about my rants, just that it’s just too much of this. I’d rather hear the truth than this.

        • I posted a link to a GossipCop article (HERE) that pointed out the flaws in the original tabloid story. They didn’t question the existence of the scenes, they just pointed out that they were likely to be examples of what is commonly known as acting.

    • TRB

      There is no sex scene with the two in the movie, can these people really move onto someone else.

      How do you know? You seem to have the idea that ‘Sex scenes in a movie = sex scenes in real life.” which is not true. Just because Kathryn and Brad have a sex scene in a movie, that does not mean they’re hooking up in real life. It’s all acting.

      And I’m going to shut up now, because I could rant about this for a lot longer.

      • Icywinter2

        @TRB- I know that, I should have reworded what I originally wanted to say was that if this scene isn’t in the movie; we don’t know if or if not it really is. These people just start blowing nonsense out of proportion.

        These writers clearly have Kathryn pegged as a ” Slut,” which she isn’t. It’s no good for her to be labelled that way, there isn’t any real proof that they have any romantic chemistry in real life.

        Kathryn also acted with Tom Cruise in ” minority Report,” there was never a tabloid story about them being together. I think this is all coming back to the fact that Brad left Jen for Angelina. What’s done is done, he’s a father of six. He’s committed to his family.

        There only thing I foresee is a huge lawsuit, nothing more than that.

  • niiny

    The thing that I don’t really like is the fact of putting Kathryn Morris (the last normal actress) on cover of a love scandal with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt who are “King and Queen of public love problems”.I don’t want people to think that Kathryn is that kind of girl, who steal husband and all.They should respect her.

    • Icywinter2

      @niiny- No one really knows about their relationship except for Brad and Angelina. The tabloid are constantly making up stuff about their problems, which probably aren’t even true.

      I do have to agree with you, about the tabloids needing to respect Kathryn. They don’t have respect for any celebrity. We know that Kathryn isn’t that type to steal a husband, and stuff like some of these celebs out there are.

      One last thing, about Kathryn being be the last normal actress it’s very true. There isn’t a lot of people quite like her anymore that’s talented and normal. I just get annoyed when people make her out to be something that she’s not.

      If anything, they don’t know like us fans just how great she really is :-)

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