You’ve got to hand it to the French, they really know how to bring out the best in Kathryn. As a nation they clearly appreciate the wonderfulness of our favourite lady and know how to show it.
Vive la différence
After the breathtaking Télé 7 Jours and FHM appearances last year Télé Magazine has stepped up with a great looking photo of Kathryn on the cover of the most recent edition the magazine.
I’ll add more to this piece later but for now we have a small but good quality image of the cover in the Gallery.
Update: Once again the generosity of people that visit this site seems to know no bounds. The Gallery has been updated with a new, large scan of the front cover and copies of the inside pages. My thanks go to azerty and niiny for their wonderful assistance. I will work on posting the text in its original French and a translation into English. I’ve corrected the little error in my one piece of French above
Update 2: I’ve added a copy of the French text and an English translation below. Apologies in advance for any errors I’ve made. Please tell me if you spot a mistake. The English was done using a combination of Google Translator and some of my own re-writing. Thanks to Rusher for the extra scans. It made the text work much easier.
Update 3: I’ve posted enlarged and improved (straightened) images and re-edited the English translation.
PAR SUSAN WILSON Kathryn MorrisLILLY RUSH EN DANGERC’est officiel, Lilly Rush plie bagage et part a la retraite a la fin de la saison 7, que diffuse actuellement Canal+. France 2, quant à elle, débute la saison 6 de « Cold Case ». Préparez-vous donc à suivre des cas fascinants et à entrer davantage dans la vie privée et le passé de l’héroïne. L’an dernier déjà, au vu l’audimat et surtout des coûts de production, CBS avait en ligne de mire Cold Case: affaires classées et FBI: portés disparus. La chaîne ne pouvait en effet garder qu’une seule série. A l’époque, Cold Case avait gagné mais le sursis aura été de courte durée: une ultime saison a été tournée, la septième. C’est la delicieuse Kathryn Morris (41 ans) qui incarne, depuis 2003 Lilly Rush, la détective qui durant 156 épisodes a retrouvé assassin sur assassin. Avant cette série qui l’a rendue célèbre, on l’avait vue dans deux films de Steven Spielberg, A.I et Minority Report. Vous avez fait de la télé apres avoir goûté au monde du cinema. Comment l’avez-vous vécu? J’avoue que C’était incroyable de travailler avec des vedettes comme Tom Cruise et Jude Law. Mais Cold Case, pour moi, c’était un rêve devenu réalité, probablement aussi parce que personne n’avait prévu que cette série plutôt tranquille, peu spectaculaire dans le sens où il n’y a pas de poursuites, d’explosions, de combats, de crashs… allait obtenir un tel succès à travers le monde. On me reconnaît dans la rue. Au restaurant, de gens m’approchent en disant: « Salut Lilly! ». Je suis devenue une copine, une amie qui se rend chez eux une fois par semaine. Ce sentiment-là, il n’y a qu’un rôle dans un feuilleton qui peut vous le procurer. Ce personnage va-t-il vous manquer? J’ai beaucoup aimé interpréter Lilly Rush, une femme dons un monde normalement dominé par les hommes. Elle mène ses enquêtes d’une manière plutît émotionnelle et on peut lire sentiments sur son visage. Ce qu’un flic ne se permet pas normalement. J’aime qu’elle soit si dure et si fragile en même temps. J’adore qu’elle soit si féminine malgré son look en peu… nature (Rires), strict. Elle ne s’intéresse pas à tout ça, elle ne ressent pas le besoin d’affirmer sa féminité par rapport aux hommes, elle n’a ni le temps ni l’envie de se pomponner… Mais quand elle se regarde dans la glace le matin, elle se dit: « O.K., ça passe… » (Rires) Dans le final en deux parties de la saison 6, vous allez découvrir quatre facettes de Lilly, depuis l’enfance… Les moments qui définissent sa vie, son personnage, son caractére. On comprendra pourquoi elle est ainsi aujourd’hui. Il y a plein de surprises, vous verrez… Avez-vous des points communs avec ce personnage? Je pense avoir, comme elle, une conception bien définie de ce qui est juste ou pas… ou pour le dire d’une maniére plus biblique: du bien et du mal. Je ne supporte pas l’injustice, peu importe si c’est pour moi ou les autres. Par contre, je suis beaucoup plus gaie qu’elle, je rigole davantage, je m’amuse plus. (Rires) Cold Case suit un tout autre concept que les feuilletons policiers habituels produits par Jerry Bruckheimer, tels Les Experts ou FBI… C’est vrai. Dans Les Experts, ce sont les recherches médico-légales qui sont en premier plan. On explique tout le procédé technique en détail, c’est très high-tech. Cold Case ne s’intéresse que peu à cet aspect de l’enquête. Nous, on n’oublie jamais qu’il s’agit d’humains. Des hommes et des femmes qui cherchent des réponses, parfois des décennies après le crime. Cold Case prend le temps de bien définir, d’approfondir es personnages, les proches de a victime et, à travers les flashbacks, les victimes mêmes qui, dans d’autres feuilletons, n’ont souvent que le rôle de cadavre. Et on n’a pas de « Naked Chicks », de filles en bikini, comme dans Les Experts: Miami. (Rires) À la fin de la saison 6, Lilly est en danger de mort, sa voiture plonge dans la rivière. Une vraie cascade pour vous. Comment s’est déroulé le tournage de cette scène? Il ma fallu pas mal d’entraînement. Avec le coordinateur des cascades et le metteur en scène (N.D.L.R.: David Barrett) – qui, à l’époque, était mon petit ami d’ailleurs et qui, lui aussi, vient du monde de la cascade – on s’est réunis pour trouver le moyen de faire cette scène le plus cool possible, que les téléspectateurs voient bien que c’est vraiment moi, sous l’eau. Donc on a répété beaucoup… Vous savez, on a beau avoir des papillons dans le ventre, il faut y aller quand même! (Rires) Donc votre petit ami vous a mis dans toutes sortes de situations mortelles? Je savais que j’étais en sécurité, et finalement, ça ma beaucoup amusée. Et le futur? Je viens de tourner un film: Mother’s Little Helpers, sur une mise en scène d’Asher Levin, où je joue un genre de Mrs. Robinson. (Rires) Sinon, je lorgne sur certains projets pour le grand écran, et peut-ètre me proposera-t-on une autre série qui m’intéressera. On verra, tout est ouvert. |
BY SUSAN WILSON Kathryn MorrisLILLY RUSH IN DANGERIt’s official, Lilly Rush packs up and retires at the end of season 7 that is now being broadcast on Canal+. France 2, meanwhile, has begun the 6th season of “Cold Case.” So get ready to take in more fascinating cases and look more into the private life and past of the heroine. Already last year, given the ratings and increased production costs, Cold Case and Without A Trace were in the crosshairs of CBS. The network could only keep one show. At the time, Cold Case won but the reprieve was short-lived, lasting for just one more season, the seventh. This is the delightful Kathryn Morris (41 years) who since 2003 has played Lilly Rush, the detective in all 156 episodes. Before this series made her famous, she had been seen in two films by Steven Spielberg, AI and Minority Report. You moved to TV after having tasted the world of cinema. How did you find it? I admit that was incredible to work with stars like Tom Cruise and Jude Law. But for me Cold Case was a dream come true, probably because nobody had anticipated that this rather quiet series, unspectacular in the sense that there is no prosecution, explosions, fights, crashes… would achieve such success worldwide. I get recognized on the street. At the restaurant, people approach me saying, “Hi Lilly!” I became a friend, a friend who is in their home once a week. That feeling, that only a role in a series that can give. This character will you miss her? I loved playing Lilly Rush, a woman in a world normally dominated by men. She conducts the investigations in a nice way, and the emotional can be read on her face. In a way that a cop does not normally do. Like it is so hard and brittle at the same time. I love that she is so feminine despite her look in a few … parts (Laughter), is strict. She is not interested in all that, she does not feel the need to assert her femininity over men, she has neither the time nor the desire to primp… But when she looks in the mirror in the morning, she said, “OK, that’s how it goes…” (Laughter) In the final two parts of season 6, you’ll find four sides of Lilly, from childhood… The moments that define her life, her character, who she is. We understand why it is that way today. There are lots of surprises, you’ll see… Do you have anything in common with the character? I think I like her well-defined concept of what is right and wrong… or to put it in a more biblical way: good and evil. I cannot stand injustice, whether it’s for me or others. In contrast, I’m much happier that I laugh more, I enjoy myself more. (Laughter) Cold Case follows an entirely different concept than the usual police series produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, like CSI or Without A Trace… That’s true. On CSI, it is the forensic research that is the focus. It explains everything in detail, the technical process is very high tech. Cold Case is not interested in that aspect of the investigation. We never forget that it is a humanbeing. Men and women looking for answers, sometimes decades after the crime. Cold Case takes the time to define deeper characters, like the relatives of a victim and, through flashbacks, the victims themselves who, in other shows, often have the role of just a body. And there were no “Naked Chicks”, girls in bikinis, as in CSI: Miami. (Laughter) At the end of season 6, Lilly is in mortal danger, her car plunges into a river. A real plunge for you. How was the filming of that scene? It was quite physical for me. With the stunt coordinator and director (David Barrett – ed) – who at the time was my boyfriend and comes from the stunt world – we worked together to find ways to make this scene the coolest possible so that viewers can see that it’s really me, underwater. So we rehearsed a lot… You know, it was nice to have butterflies in your stomach, you have to go anyway! (Laughter) So your boyfriend has put you in a variety of deadly situations? I knew I was safe, and in the end, it was a lot of fun. And the future? I just shot a movie: Mother’s Little Helpers, a film by Asher Levin, where I play a kind of Mrs. Robinson. (Laughs) Otherwise, I have my eye on some projects for the big screen, and maybe there will be another series that will interest me. We’ll see, everything is open. |
Ooooh, she looks gorgeous! So happy to see a new pic of her that isn’t papparazzi-quality! Can’t wait to see what the inside brings! Gotta love those French, merci beaucoup!
They really capture Kathryn well, I wonder if this is a recent picture or not; or from before last May when CC was cancelled.
I bought that magazine.Km is sooo cute on it ! and the interview isn’t bad !
@niiny- Why are they still using Cold Case on the cover, even though the show has been cancelled?? I’m just wondering why?
Probably because they haven’t shown all the seasons in France yet.
Check your mails
Well here, we only start the season 6 in free channel (private channel will start season 7 soon).They talked about the cancellation in the interview that I will try to scan if I can fix my Scanner.Furthermore France really likes that show and they write ( and will write) lot of articles about it.^^
@Niiny- Thanks,it’s sad that there wasn’t an interview here or anything. Sad really, I can wait to read the article.
Im scanning it
i fixed my scanner 
Only this: Kathryn Morris you are VERY beautiful.
No, seriously … I just loved the picture!
Me too, I also love the outfit that she’s wearing. When it comes to Fashion Kathryn is number one!!
I love the clothes of Kathryn.
I mean … She has a style that I like, so…
She is perfect, only that … HAHA
At least Kathryn knows how to dress unlike certain celebs. She’s classy, but also has the best smile in Hollywood.
That’s it. There’s so much celebrity that dress so badly …
HAHA I give a good laugh listening to the comments of Joan Rivers.
– And I love the Fashion Police
“Vive le différence.” You made a mistake lol
Sorry, I make a mistake in the one piece of French I try and use, and after the French people have been so nice to me today
I have corrected it, I think.
No problem, it was just a little mistake, and I’m very happy to see some French words here. I feel at home.
I loved the interview, I think it probably was done awhile back because she doesn’t mention; Moneyball. Before May, Kathryn was mentioning Mother’s Little Helpers quite a lot; so I have a feeling this was before she was to shoot Moneyball.
Still, it was a pleasure to read a KM inteview. It’s sad we don’t get too many of those these days, but it made my day
I just read a story that Kathryn told to a ‘journalist’ about a person who asked her to open the murder of her dog (you can laugh) I can give it but it’s in French :/
@Niiny- Can you post the story, I would love to read it. It sounds pretty funny.
The key part is this:
“One night a lady asked me to investigate the suspicious death of her chihuahua twenty years earlier in exchange for a reward. I advised her to go an animal protection society or veterinary services in her neighbourhood. This infuriated her. On leaving, she barked: ‘If you were so talented, you would go in my garden, and once you dig the remains of my dog dug up, you find the cause of his death by analyzing his DNA!'”
Thanks to today’s hero niiny again for the text.
That’s really hilarious, I could imagine the look on Kathryn’s face
You thought like me but you wrote it faster
I’m guessing one of the following expressions; o_O -_- or D:
Thanks for the translation. It sounds funnier in English, I would have liked to see Kathy’s face when that woman asked her to do that. xD
I liked TRB’s comments about her possible facial expressions.
I love the interview and how optimistic KM was about the future. I now adore the French!