La star de Cold Case est aujourd’hui l’ennemie jurée d’Angie
Brad Pitt
Il a craqué pour la star de Cold Case!
Angelina Jolie a vraiment du souci à se faire… Le mois dernier déjà, Brad était accusé de la tromper avec une hôtesse de l’air. La petite Frenchie répondant au doux nom de Racine déclarait entretenir une relation avec l’acteur, ainsi qu’avec plusieurs ex de l’héroïne de Tomb Raider. Elle n’hésitait pas à donner des détails sur leurs ébats sexuels dans un jet privé. Un peu trop exagéré pour être crédible… et Angelina avait tôt fait de la ranger dans le lot des grosses mythos…
Mais, cette fois-ci, l’affaire est beaucoup plus grave! Et Angelina l’a bien compris: Kathryn Morris, qui incarne Lilly Rush dans la série Cold Case, tourne Moneyball avec le beau Brad depuis cet été. Et, apparemment, leur collaboration est explosive!
Brad y campe le rôle de Billy Beane, un entraîneur de baseball, et Kathryn celui de sa seconde épouse, sexy en diable. Tous deux doivent tourner des scènes torrides, tout comme Brad et Angelina au temps de Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Et preuve que l’histoire se répète, Star rapporte que les deux acteurs se sont plus que rapprochés au fil des semaines. “Brad et sa partenaire Kathryn se désirent”, n’hésite pas à titrer le magazine, habitué aux scoops retentissants. D’après l’hebdomadaire, les deux acteurs “flirtent tellement que les membres de l’équipe commencent à être mal à l’aise”. Et comme pour continuer à alimenter les rumeurs, les deux comédiens ne se quittent plus en dehors des plateaux, passant même de plus en plus de temps ensemble entre les scènes qu’ils tournent.
Mais ce n’est pas tout. Toujours selon Star, leur histoire aurait débuté avant même le tournage, plus précisément lors des essais: “Brad était particulièrement nerveux dès qu’il se retrouvait en présence de sa partenaire”, raconte un technicien. À l’époque, Kathryn Morris était en couple avec son producteur, David Barrett, dont elle s’est séparée peu après. Comme par hasard! C’est à ce moment-là qu’Angelina a commencé réellement à flairer le danger imminent.
Mais l’affaire a pris un tour plus sérieux il y a quelques semaines. Alors que la chaleur devient insupportable sur le plateau. Brad Pitt décide d’enlever son T-shirt. Sa partenaire pousse un soupir et le menace de s’évanouir. Lorsqu’elle se rend compte que d’autres personnes l’ont entendue, elle se défend, arguant que ce n’était qu’une “innocente plaisanterie”. Mais tous, acteurs et techniciens, sont désormais persuadés que Brad et Kathryn entretiennent une liaison. “Eux-mêmes ont l’air très gênés lorsque quelqu’un s’aventure à faire une plaisanterie sur le sujet”, rapporte Star.
Et comme si cela ne suffisait pas, The National Enquirer enfonce le clou et rapporte que, alertée par les bruits de couloir qui se font de plus en plus insistants, Angelina multiplie les allers-retours sur le set afin de garder Brad à l’œil, tout en lui ordonnant de “rester très loin de cette fille-là”. Désormais en Hongrie pour les besoins de son nouveau film, elle a plus de mal à surveiller son mari et enchaîne les crises d’angoisse. Moins sexy que Lara Croft, Kathryn n’en reste pas moins une femme indépendante, au caractère bien trempé et avec des faux airs de Jennifer Aniston. Exactement le type de physique qu’affectionne Brad…
Marine Poyer
Victime de son succès Brad passe son temps à faire succomber les femmes qui croisent son chemin. À l’insu de son plein gré? Florilège de ces dix-huit derniers mois.Mars 2009
Angelina surprend Brad, assis aux côtés de la nourrice des jumeaux, lui frottant le dos pour la réconforter. Résultat, elle est renvoyée sur-le-champ et Angelina Jolie flanque la raclée de sa vie à son mec.
Mai 2009
Une jeune Française, mannequin, accuse Brad de l’avoir mise enceinte. La rumeur se dégonflera quelques semaines plus tard mais elle fera tout de même du tort au sex-symbol.
Janvier 2010
Brad et Jennifer Aniston se revoient pour la première fois depuis leur divorce lors de quatre rendez-vous secrets, révélés par l’ex-garde du corps de monsieur.
Juin 2010
Et si Brad remettait le couvert avec Aniston? La rumeur refait surface une fois de plus.
Septembre 2010
Brad est accusé d’avoir trompé Angelina en se donnant du bon temps avec une jeune hôtesse de l’air française de 22 ans lors d’un voyage en avion.
Sur le tournage de Moneyball, le plus grand sex-symbol de tous les temps a croisé la route de Kathryn Morris, qui incarne Lilly Rush dans Cold Case depuis sept ans. Bingo! Depuis la fin de l’été, impossible de les décoller! Aussi bien sur les plateaux que hors tourage! Consciente du danger, Angelina, qui tourne en Hongorie, passe son temps à faire de allers-retours pour mieux surveiller son homme… L’équipe de tournage se dit fort mal à l’aise. Ça sent le roussi? |
The star of Cold Case is now the sworn enemy of Angie
Brad Pitt
He fell for the star of Cold Case!
Angelina Jolie really needs to worry… Already last month, Brad was accused of seeing a stewardess. The little Frenchie with the sweet name of Racine was said to be having a relationship with the actor, whilst he is with the ex-star of Tomb Raider. She did not hesitate to give details about their sexual activities in a private jet. A bit too exaggerated to be credible… and Angelina was quick to dismiss it as a pile of lies…
But this time, the case is much worse! And Angelina has understood: Kathryn Morris, who plays Lilly Rush in the Cold Case series, made the movie Moneyball with her man Brad this summer. And, apparently, their scenes are explosive!
Brad takes on the role of Billy Beane, a baseball coach, and Kathryn that of his sexy as hell second wife. The pair had to shoot some steamy scenes, as Brad and Angelina did in Mr. & Mrs. Smith. And as proof that history repeats itself, Star reports that both actors grew more than close over the weeks. “Brad really wants Kathryn”, said the magazine without hesitation, accustomed as it is to spectacular scoops. According to the weekly, the two actors “flirt so much that production crew are beginning to be uncomfortable.” And to further fuel the rumours, the two actors were spending even more time together between filming scenes.
But that’s not all. According to Star, their story had started even before the shooting, specifically during the rehearsals: “Brad was very nervous when he found himself in the presence of the actress,” said one technician. At the time, Kathryn Morris was in a relationship with David Barrett, a producer, whom she was separated shortly thereafter. Coincidence! At this time Angelina has started to really sense the impending danger.
But the case took a more serious turn a few weeks ago. As the temperatures became unbearable on the set Brad Pitt decided to remove his T-shirt. The actress sighed and pretended to faint. When she realised that others had heard, she defended herself, arguing that it was a “harmless joke”. But all actors and technicians are now convinced that Brad and Kathryn have a relationship. “They themselves have looked very embarrassed when someone dares to make a joke about the subject,” says Star.
And as if that were not enough, The National Enquirer reports and drives home the point that, alerted by whispers in the hallways that are becoming increasingly insistent, Angelina made numerous trips back on set to keep an eye on Brad while ordering him to “stay far from that girl.” Now in Hungary for the purpose of making her new movie, it is more difficult for her to watch her husband and has had a string of panic attacks. Less sexy than Lara Croft, Kathryn nonetheless is an independent woman, with strong character not unlike Jennifer Aniston. Exactly the type Brad is fond of…
Marine Poyer
Victim of his success, Brad spends his time with women who cross his path succumbing to him. Unbeknownst to his own free will? Story of eighteen months.March 2009
Angelina surprises Brad, sitting alongside the nurse twins, rubbing his back to comfort her. Result, it is returned on the spot and Angelina Jolie flanks the beating of his life to her boyfriend.
May 2009
A young French woman, a model, Brad accuses of having made her pregnant. The rumour was quashed a few weeks later but it will still hurt the sex symbol.
January 2010
Brad and Jennifer Aniston met again for the first time since their divorce in four secret meetings revealed by the former bodyguard of his.
June 2010
And Brad is back with Aniston? The rumour surfaced again.
September 2010
Brad is accused of having cheated on Angelina by having a good time with a 22 year old French stewardess years old during a plane trip.
On the set of Moneybail, the greatest sex symbol of all time has crossed paths with Kathryn Morris, who plays Lilly Rush in Cold Case for the last seven years. Bingo! Since the end of summer, they have been inseparable! Both on and off the set! Aware of the danger, Angelina, who is working in Hungary, spends her time making roundtrips to better keep and eye on her man… The crew is said to be very uncomfortable. I smell a rat? |
Omg….French magazines was good until that one! The Brad & Kath’s story is just ridiculous and I’m sad to read that in our magazines. The main problem is that “Public” is read a lot here. I think that rumor will take a bad turn…
@Niiny-That’s nonsense, no offense but those rumors are untrue. Brad won’t leave Angelina nore is she Jeolous of Kathryn. This is just stupidity. No one knows how Brangelina’s real relationship is except for them.
THey need to stop making up such stuff. I highly doubt the rumors will become truth. This stuff with Jen and Brad is over, has been over for a long time. Kathryn isn’t a slut, I really doubt that all the actors and produces are convined that they are in a relationship. That’s just phony made up stuff to me.
What these people forgot to mention was that Brad was spotted carrying Vivienne and Knox in his arms off the plane. He went there to be with his family.
This article is just plain bogus, I don’t care if Kathryn is friends with Brad, but c’mon there’s nothing sexual between the two.
I really hope either Brad or Kathryn sued these magazines for fake slander.
niiny does say “the… story is just ridiculous” so I don’t she is suggesting there is any truth in it. Please read the comments more thoroughly before responding, and try and take into account the fact that not everyone has English as a first language. If anyone is not sure what someone means then please ask for clarification.
I think you’ve made your feelings on this story clear several times and you don’t need to tell each commenter again. Doing so may also discourage some from giving their opinions.
I’m sorry I’m discouraging anyone, I do understand that English isn’t their first language and I respect that fully
I won’t comment anymore on this subject.
I will try to write better English.
@niiny- I understand you, I just have a habit of repeating too much, which I’m working on not doing. I’m sorry if I was doing that, again.
You write fine, It’s my fault and I’m sorry….
@IcyWinter: Thanks for your understanding.
@niiny: Your English is very good already. Not like my French, which is bad and I’m just copying from magazines
So, can I just say that I love the beautiful Photoshop job they did with those two images?
And by ‘love’ I mean loathe, and by beautiful I mean horrible.
I think funny this history…
and sorry for my terrible english
Do not worry letícia. We have only seen a small bit of your English but it is good so far.
Just running across this one & the only thing I will say is that I’ve never known The Star or The National Enquirer to ever have the facts straight!
Whether or not,Kathryn & Brad were flirting with each other,what’s wrong with a little harmless flirting! Kathryn has stated before that she feels more comfortable in her own skin then when she was younger & more shy,afterall she had an important role in the film Moneyball and she did have to talk with Brad on occasion! The sad part was that Kathyrn’s scenes ended up being deleted as we all know,as to whether or not she had any sexy scenes with Brad will never know! Maybe these smut magazines were confusing the sexy scenes Kathryn has done, with the one’s she did with Kyle Gardner in Cougar’s Inc.
The comment made regarding her relationship ending with David Barnett,only Kathryn & David know the reason why and other reason would be pure speculation on anyone’s part!
That being said, Brad & Angelina recently got engaged and quite honestly, Brad might be the one who should be concerned or worried,Angelina has made some interest films that had sexual overtones in them that she participant in!
Anyway its Hollywood,relationships rarely last a long time,too many insecurities & jealousy regarding one’s success or failure! But,one must admit,it makes good copy!