We’ve had it confirmed by the lady herself that she is actually in Moneyball, but we’ve yet to see any real evidence of it. Well that might be about to change.
It’s small, grainy, and you can’t see her face at all but this (see right) could very well be the first image to surface of Kathryn on the set of Moneyball.
The photo was taken early last month from the stands of the Oakland Coliseum by one the extras there to fill the stands with baseball fans. I believe the day matches one that Kathryn had been mentioned as being there by one of the extras. The blonde woman was not the focus of the image and was only caught on camera by accident. The woman appears to be just walking past and is not taking part in any scene being filmed.
So, is it Kathryn?
The body shape is definitely right 😉 The clothes look like the sort thing Kathryn would wear, though they could be part of wardrobe for the film. The hair is more “shaped” than Kathryn normally wears it, but, again, it could be that way for the film role.
I am waiting to hear from the photographer before I post any more about it so for now I’m only going to post the image you see here, with no link to anything in the Gallery. However, it is not much smaller than the original so you are not missing much at the moment. I will, of course, update with any further information I receive.
What do you think? Is it Kathryn?
Huge thanks to Madcat and to the sharp-eyed Karen for passing this along.
Updated: Poll added after jump.
I’ve not tried this before so let’s see how it goes.
Please vote on whether you think the picture above is Kathryn or not. Don’t forget to comment as well.
Do you think it is Kathryn?
Total Voters: 23 |

I think it’s Kathryn
Her hair, the clothes like you said ..no doubt lol
Well let’s just wait and see, for all we know it could very well just be a random extra. You can’t tell if it’s her from the back, many people can have the same build and wear the same clothes.
Definitly her
I’d like to say I know that figure anywhere 😉
This is a picture of Brad and Angelina taking their kids on the set of Moneyball. It looks to be in the same (or similar) area as this picture. 😀
@Tianna- That’s just the wire for the camera. There’s no blonde except for their daughter Shiloh.
Adding onto my post above, I don’t think it was taken at the same place the field where they are filming is quite big.
Firstly, I don’t think Tianna was suggesting that the mystery blonde woman was in that shot with Brad and Angelina at all. She’d spotted the similarity.
Secondly, I can confirm what Tianna suspected, it was taken in the same area on the same day.
To return to the original question: based purely on the contents of the picture above do you think it is Kathryn or not?
Thank you Rich.
It’s a long shot to say that it is actually Kathryn herself due to the fact that you can’t see the woman’s face in order to confirm that it is her. A lot of people can dress the same way , but I myself need to see her face in order to make a positive identity. We can’t just automatically assume that it’s her it could turn out to be just one of the extras on the set
I don’t believe that anyone is “automatically assuming” that it is Kathryn. I can’t speak for everyone, and don’t want to put words in their mouths, but I hope people are looking at the picture, weighing up the other evidence (right day, right place etc.) and forming an opinion of their own.
I assume that you’ve done that decided that it isn’t Kathryn.
I’m not trying to put words into anyone’s mouths, I was just stating my own opinion, I can’t help that I’m a skeptic
anyways I can’t wait to see Kathryn in this movie 
I wasn’t suggesting you were putting words into anyone’s mouth, I wanted to make it clear I wasn’t trying to.
Stating your opinion is fine, I actively encourage it, but I’m not sure you’ve actually really done so yet in this thread. You’ve stated possible reasons why it might not be Kathryn. Taking into account the likelihood of Kathryn being there that day and the physical appearance of the person in the photo do you think it could be Kathryn?
And there is certainly nothing wrong with being sceptical. You are clearly that about this picture, though perhaps not for the right reasons
I think it’s her. Just a feeling. I’s funny somehow…like we’re solving a little case here 😉
I’m still either way though, I have to agree with you Carrie about this being like we’re solving a little case. It’s feels exactly that
I’m actually either way, too but only a tiny litte bit. I just can’t decide. Will it ever be solved? 😉
It’s definitely not a cold case 😉
Good one 😉
We all will keep our eyes everywhere to find more evidence …… it’s her
Well .. Yes, I think is Kathryn.
The body shape combines …
The clothes, too.
Aside from this, is there anymore photos of Kathryn on the set; with her face. I wish that whom ever had taken this photo could have gotten the face.
What amazes me is that the movie still being shot, Kathryn could have a large part than we expected, more is always better
She deserves ever bit of attention; for such a talented actress such as herself 
I know that body. 😀 Hahaha.
Sooo Kathryn.
Loving the hairstyle! 😀
Another reason why I think it’s Kathryn is the body language.
The way her hand is touching her forehead, and proceeding to go through her hair. It’s simply one of KM’s most common gestures. Her size and hair color/length also suggest it’s our one and only, leading lady.
I am thinking it is her, the body shape plus the hands
I think is robin wright
Thanks Jose. Interesting thought. I’d forgotten all about Robin. The hair is a closer fit for how Robin tends to have hers. I’ve yet to find a good photo of Robin from a similar angle to that above to see if the figure is a good match.
Have you voted?
This just released picture of Robin Wright on set with Brad Pitt shows her with long straight hair. If her character looks like this in Moneyball it is further evidence towards the “possible” pic being Kathryn.
Yes, after seeing the pictures of Kathryn in the airport filming with Brad and Robin in the car scene, I think this pictures is Kathryn