Turns out young Lilly had a thing for the gee-gees.
In this, the 6th episode of season 7 of Cold Case, the squad investigated the death of a jockey and discover a lot of back-biting (or should that be ankle-biting? ) in the horse racing community.
KM UK’s Summer Of HD updates exclusively brings you 256 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps from Dead Heat. You can find them in the Gallery.
The more that I see these screencaps, the more I miss Cold Case
Perhaps I should stop then 😉
No way! I mean it was sad that there is no more CC. These screencaps remind me of what a great episode this was.
You’re funny RichE
I think by the end of September it totally gets sad when CBS usually starts airing the new season.
I really liked this epsisode.
Especially since the half of the new fall shows will be destined to be cancelled. CBS’s new lineup is horrible, they should have kept CC at least for one more season.
I’m going miss my usual sunday night new CC episode
Do you mean by “half of the new fall shows will be destined to be cancelled” that brand new shows already will be cancelled again? I wasn’t sure if I understood that right (dictionary 😉 ).
I hope our Kathryn gets back on TV one day. It would mean more Kathryn and more screencaps every week 😉
Icywinter believes, rightly or wrongly, that some of the shows that début this autumn on CBS will be unsuccessful and cancelled quickly. Time will tell, as they say.
It would be great to get Kathryn back on screen every week but I am excited to see what new projects she takes on. I’d like her to do several small roles on different shows, alongside more movie work.
Cool, thx for your help.
We’ll see. I’m sure Kathryn will start something new and not disappear. Not her 😉
I love the screencaps. 😀
Oh, and what the heck is a gee gee? Ahahaha.
“Gee-gee” is a slang term for a horse.
So that’s what it is. 😀 Thanks! Ahaha
@Carrie- I’m quite sure that Kathryn won’t disappear
I would love to see her on a tv show; both writing and directing. Whatever she choses to do either on tv or in Movies she’ll always shine.