It’s was very much awards season in the first half of 2006 for Kathryn as she made several public appearances at a variety of events. This week KM UK brings you another pair of Summer Of HD updates, making the biggest and best versions of the photos available.
So what do we have for you this time?
- The Costume Designers Guild Awards saw Kathryn in a great off-the-shoulder red dress posing for some quite enigmatic shots (see above). The smile couldn’t help but put in an appearance though
It’s the last 5 in the set, the photoshoot ones that have been upgraded.
- Kathryn looked very cute at Prism Awards with her simple hair-down style and long dress. Bigger versions of the final 2 photos have been posted.
- A more glammed up Kathryn went to the Country Music Awards to present a trophy. It’s the press room and portrait shots we are concentrating on here as they get the full-sized treatment. Just the last 3 of the arrivals but all 8 portrait shots get boosted.
I love those pictures taken from ” The Costume Designers Guild Awards,” the photographer really captured amazing pictures of Kathryn.
As for the dresses in both this event and at the ” Country Music Awards,” were really nice. Of course Kathryn has an amazing smile as always
“Looks like a promising outfit” BAHAHA. You would.
I love the pictures, my favorite is the one at the top of the post, she looks so gorgeous. 😀
I have some questions about the ACM Awards.
1) I saw in the gallery she stood on the stage (SO MIRANDA LAMBERT SAW HER JKSAHBGISFKDJFL) so she presentate a categorie, which catogory was that?
2) Do you have backstage photos because maybe she met Miranda Lambert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for my craziness but if I see a photo of Kathryn AND Miranda I gonna freak out!!!!!
1) Kathryn and Billy Currington (the less said about him the better at the moment) presented the award for Best Album. Miranda did not win it.
2) I have some more photos of Kathryn at the event but Miranda is not in any of them.
I will do a new post in a few days with more photos from this ACMA.
What?! Kerosene didn’t won? Well that sucks otherwise I had a photo of them together OMG.
Do you have a video of it and did Kathryn said Miranda’s name?
Thanks for answering RichE!
As I’m sure you know Kerosene was not nominated for an ACM Award in 2006.
Oops I must looked on the wrong site.
At least Miranda is always a winner for me.