Just spotted a Twitter message from user TheAggregator (Matthew Nelson).
Hunh.. the very nice lady I gave directions to last night on the set was Kathryn Morris http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0606700/ #moneyball Shrug
This could very well be confirmation of Kathryn’s involvement in the movie Moneyball that we’ve been looking for. Moneyball, based on the book of the same name by Michael Lewis, stars Brad Pitt as Billy Beane, the General Manager of the Oakland As baseball team. Matthew has been on set during filming of baseball game scenes at the Oakland Coliseum.
Thanks to Matthew for the info.
That’s so cool, I’m still wondering if her role as the wife will be like the what she had in Minority Report or shorter??
‘Very nice lady.’ Sounds accurate.
Hi Khaya.
I read that in the Tweet but hadn’t considered the significance of it
It was just so natural a line. It does seem to be further proof.
I can’t wait until the movie stills are released, and this movie in 2011; no offical date yet.