The second, and concluding part of the story that started with last week’s episode, The Last Drive-In. Lilly and Yates hunt down the serial killer sniper, and we find out the reason Yates has taken the case so personally.
Another Lilly-fest so lots screencaps. Another 360 new HD (720p) screencaps exclusive to this site are now in the Gallery.
Head over to Pass The Remote for TVFan’s review of the episode. Hint: oh, you’ve got the idea of these by now, surely.
A preview video for next episode Free Love has also been added to the Gallery.
I really liked Part II of this episode, nice touch with not having our usual opening credits, felt like 3X20 which and this one was the only two episodes that we didn’t have the credit opening at the beginning.
This episode was AMAZING
I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited for an episode since the first new episode after the writer’s strike. And next week’s episodelooks really good, too.
I really hope this show continues for more seasons, I’ll have no life if it doesn’t, hahaha
I agree, about next week’s episode…
Speaking of that ” Bewitched,” comment you posted last week, the house where sniper Paul’s aunt lives is the house..
I thought this episode was great!
You could tell Kathryn was sick in some scenes! Her sick voice is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard <3
I knew Yates was the girl in the car! KNEW IT!
I'm a little sad because I didn't see much action between Lilly and Ryan. The picture of them put up last week made me think he was ugly, but DAMN. On tv that man is HOT.<3
Why was Lil even dating Eddie? I thought he was charming and stuff, but he wasn't all that good looking. Maybe he was big.. down there?
Lilly likes Italian stallions
@Tianna- I don’t think that Kathryn was sick during those scenes, it’s just the bad makeup job by the makeup artists. Why do you think she was think, I didn’t see anything that had indicated that she was.
We’ll never know why Lilly was dating Eddie, It could be the attraction or something deep with her heart that made her fall in love with him. I do miss him. If this Ryan guy is going to be another love interest, let’s just see how this plays out before we judge on him. For we know they could just be flirting around and nothing more..
As Tianna said Kathryn sounded a little ill, her voice was horse.
I didn’t notice that her voice was horse, it could be that way due to speaking a lot and rehearsing. It doesn’t strain your voice out a lot.
yeah, I thought the same. like she was a little croaky
yes, you could already tell in the first part that the little girl had to be Yates. I loved both parts. Kept me starring at the screen.
Next week is gonna be interesting. The previews sometimes confuse me. Like I thought this week Yate is getting “bad”. So I’ll have to wait and see…BUT ahhh..always can’t wait for it;-)
Except that Yates wasn’t a little girl, but 18 when Barry Jensen was shot.
@Tianna- Lilly wasn’t Dating Eddie for sex, that’s more up Scotty’s alley not hers.
OMG! i can’t wait for this episode 😀 😀
@Sonia- When will you be able to see it??
i don’t know! i hope soon
I’m seeing in the English language through a page. Because if I have to wait to come to my country(Spain) I still have 5 weeks
That’s a long time, at least here where I lived CC actually came on-time since they postphoned the NCAA Game until tonight.
I can already see the chapter. Unfortunately I started school today, so do not have time each week I’ll look this weekend! ^^
I would have to wait for another couple of months(Germany). omg…I would die. That’s why I watch CC online to be up to date.
See all we US viewers complain about is CC never coming on time, it’s worse for you guys overseas.
And `cause of the time difference I always watch it on mondays after work.
I bet it’s frustrating CC never comes on time. Here the issue is, the channel always shows half of the episodes and then there is a long break (weeeeeks) `cause here they translate everything in german. I’m like …GOSH..why not wait until the whole season is translated and THEN air the season.
But hey, we all have our wonderful talented Kathryn who makes us going through all this. She’s the best.
@Carrie- That’s pretty bad, after this next episode we’ll have to wait until May 2nd, that’s when the season finale is on next.
What? ah NOOO
There’s some country music awards and lame CBS tv movie, that they decided to air before airing the season finale