Kathryn has got herself a Twitter account, according to Asher Levin.
FF – ANNOUNCEMENT: finally convinced Kathryn to come to the twitter world. Follow her at @KATHRYNMORRIS1 and my producer @GRAHAM_LARSON – Link
Welcome Kathryn. We at KM UK hope you enjoy it.
I’m sure I don’t need to say this but to everyone else, please remember to be polite and respectful if you send a message to Kathryn.
I’m surely going to sign up for twitter now, cool. I think she will be honored when she sees this site RichE..
I know this is immature and all, but…..

Okay, I'm done.
Yesssssssssss !!! xD
Has anyone got a response back from her yet??
It doesn’t look like Kathryn has sent any messages at all yet.
oh my god
I look like a little girl, I can not stop cry the excitement.
I want to send a message to her, I’m afraid to say some mikstake when i am writing in English, and i do not understand twitter :S
I’m too nervous!
She will feel grateful when she see your page, i think
I’m just as nervous also to write to Kathryn, she’s my favorite actress.
I know, it is a bit nerve-racking. Just start with a simple “Hello and welcome to Twitter”.
I’m now on twitter, I’ll try later to write something to Kathryn
I’ll try later too, now I’m so nervous I would not know how to start …
I’ll wait until she replies to other people, before I’ll say something
yes i agree
well… I hope she responds! 
Kathryn on Twitter!

<33 I hope she responds.
Exciting or what? You can’t message her, I think she’s blocked that setting, you can mention her though, that will have to do. Asher rocks
You can only Direct message/Direct Tweet/DT someone if you are following each other.
Oh…really? I didn’t know that.
lol I didnt know that either Lilly_Scotty, so dont worry. we all learn something new each day =)
😛 Let’s try to get her to follow us, you’re good with words
im great with words! i bet RichE would agree 😉
:O haha, I bet he would. I want to see her put a profile picture
oh i cant wait to see that
im hoping she’s gonna post something more personal and not one of those event photos
I’m hoping it’s of her and David
or Danny…or me?
LMFAO . Wow.
Keep it casual, and she might respond. If you’re all creepy, then she won’t 😛
I personally don’t plan on sending her anything right away. I’d rather her get comfortable with the site and her followers.
I’m still kind of upset she hasn’t posted anything, but I really hope she gets around to it. Ahaha!
RichE, I trust you to inform us on Kaymuk if she responds anything extraordinary. 😛 I seriously don’t have time to create a twitter account myself.
Hello Khaya. It’s been a while.
I will, of course, report any significant news here.
You don’t need a Twitter account to follow public accounts, just view it via a web browser. The link in the story above or the Kathryn on Twitter in the list of websites on the right will take you to the relevant page.
Ah, secret stalking. 😛 I’m green when it comes to twitter. :$
It sure has been a while. I’m currently busy with exams and all and visiting Kaymuk was not my priority. Keep captioning those pictures though. I lurk sometimes and love them. 😀
Is there any other sort of stalking? Isn’t that the point?
It is good to know that you are still with us.
Good luck with the exams. Let us know how you get on.
I too am not sure if she responded to any comments. I was TOTALLY disappointed when Cold Case was canceled. Definitely was one show I looked forward to. I am curious to know what she has doing since the show got canceled. Kathryn are/do you to have any others plans to be in other shows or movies? If not, I hope you will consider it. Pleas keep your fans up the to date so we can follow you once again. I look forward to seeing youngest back in a series. Thank you so much!!! Sincerely, Kathy Klagholz
Hi Kathy, welcome to KM UK.
This is a fansite about Kathryn, she has no connection to the site. We try to keep her fans as up to date as we can.
Since Cold Case ended Kathryn has been involved in a couple of projects.
The Cougars, Inc. movie she filmed during the last months of Cold Case was released on DVD last year.
Last year Kathryn filmed a short film called Sunday’s Mother.
Just in the last week Kathryn finished a film for the Hallmark Movie Channel in the US. The film is called Confections Of A Discarded Woman. It is due to be broadcast next year.
We continue to hope that Kathryn will have more TV and film work in the future. Keep checking this site for all the latest news on Kathryn’s career.
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