Lots of Lilly in this one. Quite a few smiles too
Is Agent Yates the ghost of Lilly’s future
Lots of Lilly means lots of screencaps. 350 354 new HD (720p) screencaps exclusive to this site are now in the Gallery.
Head over to Pass The Remote for TVFan’s analysis of the show. Hint: she likes it.
A preview video for next episode Bullet, the 2nd part of this story, has also been added to the Gallery.
Update: 4 more screencaps added.
Well… It was a different episode. I’ll make my full judgement next week during part II.
Thanks for posting the preview video for the next episode, I never got to see it due to the big tornado warning that my network was broadcasting.
BTW- The first caption on the bottom, isn’t I dream of Jeannie it’s Bewitched, just to tell you
You’re right. Thanks. I’m not too familiar with either show. I couldn’t remember the name but I had a memory of Larry Hagman being on the show and went through that to find it. I’ve corrected now.
Larry Hagman was on ” I dream of Jeannie,” not Bewitched just to tell you :-)…
I know, that’s how I got “I Dream Of Jeannie”, by looking at what Larry Hagman was in.
This episode left me with wanting more, yet that’s exactly what the writers intended us to feel. I hope that part II is just as good.
Do you have the screencap of Lilly almost stumbling over when she and yates went down into the Cellar?
That part is so dark you can hardly make out anything, which is why I ignored it before. I’m trying to make caps of Kathryn after all, not pitch black scenes that may contain Kathryn
However, I have added 4 more screencaps from that bit. I’ve added them into the correct part of the sequence (as images 344-347) so the ones after then have moved on to make space.
So, I know some people may hate me for saying this, but I actually really like Agent Yates??? I have a feeling she could teach Lilly a lot, and maybe Lilly could teach her a few things as well.
I had no problem with Agent Yates either, so your not alone on this one Lolly.
Yay, I like not being alone.
Although the Stillman thing was a little weird… it seemed like it was a little to Soap Opera-y for Cold Case.
Actually i didn’t find the Stillman thing to be weird. I assumed that there was more why he was divorced than a case he had worked on but couldn’t solve( Season 1’s Glued).
One fact that has slipped through the net so far is that Lilly appears to be single again, based on the conversation in the bar.
That was already assumed in at the end of Chinatown.
What we now found out was that, Lilly’s actually looking for a husband not a boyfriend.. Yates read her like a book
Maybe you assumed that but nothing in the episode, or anything since, suggested an end to the relationship.
I seriously can’t wait for next week’s episode. I snapped when I saw that to be continued… ahahahahaha, I need more Cold Case, like, now. I’m like an addict.
That’s exactly how I felt last night,except that it cut the promo due to the tornardo warning for my state.
That’s sort of what happened to me last week! It was the end where Vera put something on the desk, then it’s the news.
Between that, and the To Be Continued, I was pissed. On a scale of Joe Jackson to Chris Brown, I was quickly approaching Naomi Campbell. I’m actually going to re-watch the episode cause I loved it so much.
And I’m gonna watch the promo about a million times to fill this hole in my heart.
That was Vera’s badge, I have no idea what you are talking about with in reguards to the other celebs.
Ahahaha it’s like my scale of anger. You know how people will say “On a scale of 1 to 10, how mad are you?” Well, I do the same thing, except I use people. Joe Jackson beat his kids, Chris Brown beat Rihanna, and Naomi Campbell heat her assistant with a phone or something.
It was basically just a cute way of saying I was horribly pissed off about the to he continued because I can’t stand to stop seeing Lilly at work.
I actually thought that her and Saccardo still had a thing… shows how much I know, hahaha. 😀
So, I re-watched this episode about 5 times. I can’t wait for next week, I am really interested in finding out why Yates has her heart set on this case so much, me and my mom’s guess was that she was the girl in the car at the beginning, and if that’s not her, maybe it’s her sister or a friend? So. Many. Possibilities. 😀 And I love guessing games…
Just about everywhere I had read, people think she was the girl in the car. I still don’t see the connect, Yates appears to be the same age as Stillman so, I don’t think she was 20 in 1980.
So many theories we’ll just have to wait until Sunday. The writers did an excellent job of keeping us viewers in suspense.
See, that’s the other thing, the ages really don’t match up.
That’s why I think it was a sister or a friend. Or, she might not have any connection to the girl at all, who knows. And yes, those writers have a habit of doing that 😉 I only started watching at Season 5, so I can’t begin to imagine the suspense when you all had to wait a whole summer to find out if Lilly survived the shooting. :O
I just saw half of this chapter (page stopped working) then continue watching this chapter (I can not wait!).
I do not like too Yates, do not know why. But I was fascinated to see them working together …
I am puzzled about why she likes Lilly, Lilly has something that catches your eye, who likes..
Can I ask a favor?
I’m looking at the chapter in English, so I did not understand a sentence. Yates asked / told something about Lilly to Scotty. And scotty replied Lilly and I make a good team.
What was the Yates’s questinon?
Agent Yates asked Scotty, “What’s it like working with the bleach Queen?”, and that had him telling her that he and Lilly make a great team.
Sonia, “bleach queen” is Yates making an insulting reference to Lilly being blonde haired.
I think as the episode goes on Yates is increasingly impressed with Lilly. Lilly finding out about the drive-in shooting and her trick with the mobile phone made Yates change her opinion a little.
I thought Yates was referencing that because of how Pale Lilly is.
oh ok , thanks for the clarification (: , I heard it a thousand times, but I could not understand
Do you believe that she finally liked Lilly? I think so.
I just finished watching the chapter.
I loved Scotty doing a photo with the nurse , she spoke spanish 😀 😀 (well..cuabano really lol )
I think that after all, they work well together, because they still loved their impulses.
@Sonia- Yes, I actually believe that Agent Yates finally liked Lilly.
As for the conversation, I would love to know what Scotty was saying in Spanish with the nurse.
he was saying: bien bien..uno, dos ,tres, así que linda, muy linda
this in english means: okey good, okey.. one, two ,three..so,that nice! very nice…