This was well hyped, perhaps too much, but I think it lived up to it.
In so many ways I had it well and truly nailed before hand. For example, it was a fun throw away episode with no real significance to the greater story arcs. Also, the bouquet was only going to end up with one person. However, I did mess up on a couple of crucial ones. Firstly, the doer (or lack of) was a surprise and by mid-show I had a pretty firm idea of the way it was going but they didn’t take my route.
The second one is the more important one though. So often Cold Case lets me down. Not this time. They went far beyond expectations. The make-up crew must have used all the really thick stuff to cover Kathryn’s tattoo, leaving none for her face because Lilly looked amazing throughout. The dress was great, and not full length as I’d feared. And we had an abundance of wonderful smiles. Legs and smiles. You couldn’t really ask for more from an episode.
I might have slightly over done the number of exclusive HD (720p) screencaps this week by making 276 of them, but I make no apologies for that. How could I not! 😉
Check out TVFan‘s review over on Pass The Remote.
No new Cold Case next week because CBS seemed to have suddenly noticed that the Oscars are on that night and have decided to go with a CC repeat instead.
I loved this episode, Lilly catching the boquet at the end. So there is some hope for her. The scene with ADA Bell pretending to be her drunken boyfriend was hilarious.
Just too bad that CBS chose to repeat, “Soul,” again for second time next sunday..
I forgot to mention, that I love her white coat in the beginning. So beautiful.. Lil and Scotty all dressed up while working in headquarters was even funnier.
Great episode!!
loved the episode, especially the ending!
I think Lil is wearing THE bracelet. I think you can see it the best in the bathroom scene…
I’m a sucker for continuity
AMAZING episode. Lilly catching the bouquet was a big plus
Loved it…
Surely having the bouquet fall at your feet, and not actually catching it, means it doesn’t count.
She picked it up, I class that as something…it touched her hands first
it’s not the same bracelet, it’s the one that Lilly handed back to Eddie while on the beach. It’s not the diamond one..
Where was the other diamond bracelet from?
The one that Eddie left out on the counter in the final scene of ” Chinatown,” In his undercover apartment.
The one that Lilly’s wearing is the one that Eddie gave to her over dinner, that she gave back to him..
The bracelet in the beach scene (the one Lilly gave back to Eddie) and the one Eddie left for Lilly in the (now empty) apartment were the same bracelet. That was the point.
No they weren’t, The diamond bracelet wasn’t given to Lilly until the end. The first bracelet was a pearl one, which is the one that Lilly’s wearing in this episode.
There is only one bracelet and it is a diamond one. Look at image 130, and others nearby, in the Chinatown screencaps. I’m no expert but those are not pearls, they are diamonds. In some shots they look whiter due to the sunlight.
Why would there be two braclets? Eddie first gave her the braclet on the beach, but she didn’t except it. Then when he left to go back undercover, he left it for her. Eddie’s not the type to take “no” for an answer 😉
It really doesn’t matter, actually. Now I wonder if in the next episode the guys will still be teasing her about the bouqet
So does anyone think that Lilly will get married, now that she’s has the bouquet??
Nah. Eddie’s not husband material and I don’t see any other guys barking up her tree. Though.. RichE would be glad too 😉
Do you think theres going to be an 8th season?
Finally someone who agrees with me 😀 She wont get married just yet, and definitely not to Eddie. She hasnt found that right guy yet.
8th season? Definitely..well at least I hope so.
Woof! 😉
Will Cold Case be renewed for an 8th season? It all comes down to money. The ratings may not be as high as they were a few seasons ago but if they are good enough in the timeslot CBS would be foolish to dismiss it. I don’t know about shows that were in the 10pm slot in previous years but did they get 10m viewers each week?
If the advertising revenue for the slot and syndication (including world wide) more than covers the cost of the production they why remove it? It may not be a big money spinner these days but if it is a reliable source of income losing it is a risk. Of course the lack of DVD sales has never helped the case (pun slightly intended).
Several sources are saying that Cold Case is on the way to being cancelled. I hope this isn’t true…
Do you happen to have a screencap of Jefferies escorting Lilly down the aisle to her seat??
I’ve added 11 images from that scene to the end of the screencaps album for you.
Generally I avoid screencapping scenes like that that have those stupid “you are watching” graphics (I’ve cropped them from these). I know what I’m watching! I’m ****ing watching it! And why cover the first few minutes of the programme after the title sequence with names of people on the show? Either put them in the title sequence or leave them until the end credits. Being told there is a particular guest star in an episode can act as a spoiler for the next hour. Sorry, rant over.
Thank you so much!!!!
i hope and pray for an 8th season but it needs to be in a 9pm slot especially on sunday.10pm is to late,people are winding down early resting for the new work/school opinion cold case should come on 9pm followed by a csi n.y. or miami.that would be a solid great 2 hours please save cold case
@debbi CSI is more of Monday Show, CC is more of a Sunday Show. CBS better renew it.
Cold Case did do better at 9pm, they really made a dumb move this season.
OMG . . . I have been looking everywhere for the coat Lil wears in episode 8, season 4 (2006) (fireflies episode). It is a long straight black coat with buttons all the way down and a red lining. Where can I find this amazing fashion statement? Does anyone know???????????
This one?

Can anyone help Lesley?
I’ve been looking for that same coat myself, without any luck. I’ve tried eBay and various stores; even the ones that sell designer clothing for less.
What I could suggest is buy a long black coat, and get the red lining and take it to a tailor. Stuff like this was specifically cut and sized for Kathryn for this show, as in most costumes you see on various tv shows and movies.