
February 2010
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Cold Case S07E15 – Two Weddings Still

still_001Where on Earth did Lilly get a dress like that?!?

We’d heard previously that Lilly would be wearing a dress to a wedding but I had not thought that it would be anything quite as fancy looking as that.  I realise that from this one small image we can only see a tiny bit of it, but that’s a fancy looking neck piece and it is clearly an off-the-shoulder number.

Very nice.  Can’t wait to see more.  Or is it less?  It could be one of those “less is more” situations.  More or less  😉

One small image has been added to the Gallery.

Thanks to IcyWinter for passing this one along.

8 comments to Cold Case S07E15 – Two Weddings Still

  • Lilly frowns too much. Its really starting to bother me :(
    Why can’t they let her be happy!? Geeze.

    • IcyWinter

      It could be just this picture, but Lilly is much happier than she was in previous seasons. She was so angry at the world during seasons 1-5

  • IcyWinter

    It also can be the fact that she isn’t the one whose getting married

  • I only know the vaguest outline of the episode but that image tells me quite a lot. She’s frowning for good reasons.

    I don’t think Lilly is going to be too concerned about getting married. Having lost her mother, which must have been a bit of a relief, finding her father and with Eddie clearly in it for the long haul, I’d say she’s fairly content. Apart from the whole Moe thing of course.

  • Sonia

    hey :)
    I read that the wedding comes the Cold Case team because the ex-boyfriend of the girl who is getting married is dead, and apparently she can be the killer .

    • The Cold Case team are there because their friend and colleague Louie (the bomb expert) is getting married.

      Them being there and solving a crime makes it sound more like a Murder She Wrote type of show.

  • Lolly

    It looks like a cute dress from what I can see 😉
    I can’t wait for this episode, I wanna see the whole thing. 😀

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